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<h3>OUR ADVANTAGE<br><span style="text-transform:capitalize">Powerful Simplicity</span></h3>
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<p>Our targets: Build up a firm foundation for your hotel brand to ensure business purposes</p>
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<p>The greatest brands make life simple. By simplifying customer experience in a complex world, we help your brand win customer loyalty, which drives business results and creates lifelong value.</p>
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<p>Brand strategy<br>Brand identity & application: stationery, signage system, OS&E…</p>
<p>Photography<br>Website: construction, SEO…<br>Brochure & leaflet<br>Pre-opening campaign</p>
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<h5>Local understanding</h5>
<p>We learn the region’s languages and meet the local across the region to learn from its cultures – which helps your business obtain the most advantageous factor of creating a successful brand in the hospitality industry.</p>
<h5>Global standard</h5>
<p>With many years experience in the field of brand development in many countries around the world, we help your brand succeed like we helped other brands have succeeded before.</p>
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<p>Our targets: Ensure a grand opening that captures the attention of the public and the media<br>Opening communication<br>Opening event</p>
<p>Keep your hotel brand present in the media and control the brand image<br>Website management<br>Social media management<br>Branding communications campaign<br>Promotion campaigns</p>
Bonjour. Sur Bootstrap 4, je ne parviens pas à classer les éléments de la première colonne les uns à la suite des autres sur mobile. Lorsque je redimensionne ma fenêtre de navigateur en mode mobile, le order-sm-5 (Pre-Opening…) se retrouve toujours en 3ème position au lieu de la 5ème. Avez-vous une idée ?