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CSS et mise en forme, CSS3

Bien le bonjour,

Alors voilà je suis entrain de faire un css valide W3C CSS3. Voici le CSS :


outline:0 none;

Lorsque je fait le test il me reste 2 erreurs. Mais ce qui est bizarre c'est la première erreur est :

a écrit :
.x-grid3-focus text n'est pas une valeur de user-select : text

Pourtant quand je vais sur la référence officiel CSS3 je lis :

a écrit :
5.3.3 Content selection granularity: the 'user-select' property

Values: none | text | toggle | element | elements | all | inherit
Initial: text
Applies to: all elements (including 'empty') except replaced elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: n/a
Media: interactive

This property controls the selection model and granularity of an element. Additional selection models may be added in the future.

Note that although the initial value of 'user-select' is 'text', rules in the user agent's default style sheet may override this value. For example, user agents typically do not allow selection of the contents of a BUTTON element. E.g. BUTTON { user-select: none }

For the same reason, user-select: none is a typical default on the 'empty' INPUT elements. For replaced elements the content which replaces the element determines the user-select, which is why this property does not apply. For example, the user-select of an IFRAME is determined by the selection style of the HTML document inside.

This property is not inherited, but it does affect children in the same way that display: none does, it limits it. That is if an element is user-select: none, it doesn't matter what the user-select value is of its children, the element's contents or it's childrens contents cannot be selected.

None of the element's content can be selected. This is a very important value of user-select for user interface elements in particular. This value is one of the aspects of how a button behaves. The user cannot select any of the content inside the button. If for example, a user uses a pointing device to click on an element with user-select: none, what happens when the pointing device button is "down" is addressed by the user-input property, whereas when that pointing device button is "released", this property ensures that no selection of the contents of the element may remain. Another way to explain this is that user-select: none is what gives a button its "push-button-springy" feel. The value of 'none' is also useful for static text labels in a user interface which are not meant to be selected. For example, in the header of an email message window, the portion that says "Name:" cannot be selected, whereas the content following it can be. Such a static text label would also have user-input: none.

The element's contents follow a standard text content selection model.

The element's contents follow a standard toggling content model.

One element at a time may be selected.

One or more elements at a time may be selected.

Only the entire contents as a whole can be selected.

Donc text est bien une valeur pour user-select dans CSS3, a moins que j'ai mal compris ^^.
La seconde erreur elle je ne l'ai jamais vue et j'ai cherché et rien trouvé comme solution :

a écrit :
.x-tab-strip-inner Erreur lors de l'analyse grammaticale. [empty string]

Merci d'avance pour vos solution.
Modifié par 000alucard000 (15 Sep 2009 - 17:40)
Retour de vacance et aucunes réponses à mon problème.

C'est fort dommage, c'est la dernière erreur qu'il me reste pour être valide W3C css3.