Hi all,

(Excuse me for writing in English, but I don't speak French)
<traduction>Excusez moi d'écrire en Anglais, mais je ne parle pas Français</traduction>

I have the following problem. I have an xml of the kind:
<traduction>Voici mon problème. J'ai un fichier XML qui ressemble à ça</traduction>

<paragraph id="1">
<word id="1">aword</word>
<word id="2">aword</word>
<word id="3">aword</word>
<word id="4">aword</word>
<word id="5">aword</word>
<word id="6">aword</word>
<word id="7">aword</word>
<word id="n">aword</word>

<paragraph id="2">
<word id="1">aword</word>
<word id="2">aword</word>
<word id="3">aword</word>
<word id="n">aword</word>


<paragraph id="n">
<word id="1">aword</word>
<word id="2">aword</word>
<word id="3">aword</word>
<word id="n">aword</word>


I'd like to use xsl-fo to create a pdf which has the corresponding
paragraphs containing their words. But on the left, at the same line
level where a word is located, there must appear the id of that word
put in the corresponding line, separated with a coma.
<traduction>Je voudrais utiliser XSL-FO pour créer un fichier PDF qui <là je calle ^^, en gros il faut que les ID apparaissent à a la ligne correspondante dans le paragraphe avec une virgule de séparation, chercher la ligne où le mot de la liste apparait. Enfin je crois></traduction>

for example :
<traduction>Par exemple</traduction>

.....id-s | text
..........| paragraph 1:
1,2,3,4...| word1 word2 word3 word4
5,6,7,8...| word5 word6 word7 word8
9,10......| word9 word10
..........| paragraph 2:
1,2,3,4...| word1 word2 word3 word4
5,6.......| word5 word6
..........| paragraph 3:

Of course it must be done in a way that the change of the words, or
count of words in a paragraph doesn't result in a manual change in
xsl-fo code to keep the numbers at the corresponding level.
Is that possible and how?

<traduction>Bien sûr tout ceci doit se faire automatique, aucun changement manuel ne doit intervenir par la suite, même si un mot est changé.
Est-ce possible et comment ?
Merci goodbye @++ ^^

Modifié par Olivier (22 Apr 2005 - 01:22)
Hi and welcome on this board, you're the first non-french speaking member here Smiley cligne (afaik)

You can, if desired, introduce yourself in this sticky topic, sure it'll be interesting to know where you live as we have already fr/be/ch/ca/... members. Smiley smile

I have included your xml code in [ code] containers for better readibility (as stated in the french written rules Smiley confused ).

Sorry I can't answer your question, but you should find someone else for that Smiley cligne

Hi some and welcome here!

If your subject do not find an answer, feel free to post again to make it up.


J'ai tenté un coup de traduction si ça peut aider... Mais bon, je suis pas fortiche en anglais alors y a des trucs un peu approximatif, mais le schéma explique bien la chose de toute façon.

English version !
I have put some traduction on your topic in order to help frenches to understand your problem Smiley cligne

I think you're problem is a little bit complex, but maybe is it solvable...