désolé, le fichier playlist.xml ne fonctionne pas, le voici

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<playlist version="1" xmlns="http://xspf.org/ns/0/">
<title>Sample XSPF Playlist</title>

<!-- You need one of these blocks of code for each song in your playlist. -->
<!-- You can simply copy-paste one of these blocks to add a song. -->
<annotation>Calling You - Blue October</annotation>

<!-- here you insert your song's title -->
<annotation>Devotion and Desire - Bayside</annotation>
<!-- here you insert the location of your mp3 file -->
<!-- here you insert a link for this song, or leave it blank for no link -->
<!-- this is the end of the code for one song -->

<annotation>Face Down - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus</annotation>

<annotation>Good People - Jack Johnson</annotation>

<annotation>Miss Murder - A Fire Inside/AFI</annotation>

<annotation>One Day - Trading Yesterday</annotation>

<annotation>Seein' Red - Unwritten Law</annotation>

<annotation>The Acoustic Song - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus</annotation>

<annotation>Under the Tracks - Coldplay</annotation>

<annotation>Upside Down - Jack Johnson</annotation>

<annotation>When the Night Feels MySong - Bedouin Sound Clash</annotation>
