Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
J'ai actuellement une page qui me permet de requeté ma base de donnée et d'afficher les 6 derniers articles qui ont été ajouté à ma base de donnée. J'ai limité au nombre de 6 pour une question de présentation. Mais j'ai souhaite avoir une pagination pour que mes visiteurs puissent consulter tous les articles de manière plus simple.
J'ai donc utiliser un fichier pagination.php
et mon un code php dans ma page actus.php
Mon problème est qu'il y a des erreurs que je ne comprend pas :
Error!: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '$host' (1)
Notice: Undefined variable: dbh in /home/*************/actualites-alimentation.php on line 368
--> qui correspond au
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /home/dieteticw/www/v2/src/pagination.php on line 320
Modifié par dafid5 (10 Sep 2015 - 19:38)
J'ai actuellement une page qui me permet de requeté ma base de donnée et d'afficher les 6 derniers articles qui ont été ajouté à ma base de donnée. J'ai limité au nombre de 6 pour une question de présentation. Mais j'ai souhaite avoir une pagination pour que mes visiteurs puissent consulter tous les articles de manière plus simple.
J'ai donc utiliser un fichier pagination.php
class pagination
* Array of options for the class
* @access public
* @var array
protected $options = array(
'results_per_page' => 10,
'max_pages_to_fetch' => 1000000,
'url' => '',
'url_page_number_var' => '*VAR*',
'text_prev' => '« Prev',
'text_next' => 'Next »',
'text_first' => '« First',
'text_last' => 'Last »',
'text_ellipses' => '...',
'class_ellipses' => 'ellipses',
'class_dead_links' => 'dead-link',
'class_live_links' => 'live-link',
'class_current_page' => 'current-link',
'class_ul' => 'pagination',
'current_page_is_link' => true,
'show_links_first_last' => true,
'show_links_prev_next' => true,
'show_links_first_last_if_dead' => true,
'show_links_prev_next_if_dead' => true,
'max_links_between_ellipses' => 7,
'max_links_outside_ellipses' => 2,
'db_conn_type' => 'pdo', /* Can be either: 'mysqli' or 'pdo' */
'db_handle' => 0,
'named_params' => false,
'using_bound_params' => false,
'using_bound_values' => false
* True if all good, false if theres a problem
* @access public
* @var bool
public $success = true;
* The current page
* @access protected
* @var int
protected $current_page;
* The query to run on the database
* @access protected
* @var string
protected $query;
* The total total number of links to render before showing the ellipses
* @access protected
* @var int
protected $number_of_links_before_showing_ellipses;
* The PDO object - stored when users want to bind some params
* @access public
* @var object
protected $pdos;
* The resultset of the query
* @access public
* @var resource
public $resultset;
* The total results of the query
* @access public
* @var int
public $total_results;
* The total pages returned
* @access public
* @var int
public $total_pages;
* The pagination links (as an array)
* @access public
* @var array
public $links_array;
* The pagination links (Presented as an UL)
* @access public
* @var string
public $links_html;
* __construct(int $surrent_page, string $query, array $options)
* Class constructor
* @access public
* @param int $current_page The number of the current page (Starts at 1)
* @param string $query The query to run on the database
* @param array $options An array of options
* @return void
public function __construct($current_page = 1, $query = '', $options = null)
$this->run($current_page, $query, $options);
* run(int $surrent_page, string $query, array $options)
* Run the class
* @access public
* @param int $current_page The number of the current page (Starts at 1)
* @param string $query The query to run on the database
* @param array $options An array of options
* @return void
public function run($current_page = 1, $query = '', $options = null)
* Set the current page
$this->current_page = $current_page;
* Set the query to run
$this->query = $query;
* Populate the options array
if($this->set_options($options) == true)
* Add any extra code into the query
* Execute the SQL
* Calculate the total number of pages
* Work out the total number of pages before an ellipses is shown
* Build the HTML to output
* Set success to true
$this->success = true;
* Set success to false
$this->success = false;
* set_options(array $options)
* Apply any options that have been provided
* @access protected
* @param array $options An array of options
* @return void
protected function set_options($options = null)
foreach($options as $key => $value)
if(array_key_exists($key, $this->options))
$this->options[$key] = $value;
throw new paginationException('Attempted to add setting \''.$key.'\' with the value \''.$value.'\' - option does not exist');
* Check to make sure we've been given a db handle
if(trim($this->options['url']) == '')
throw new paginationException('You have not provided a URL - please pass one with the option \'url\'');
return false;
* Check to make sure we've been given a db handle
if(is_int($this->options['db_handle']) && $this->options['db_handle'] == 0)
throw new paginationException('You have not provided a DB Handle (Object) - please pass one with the option \'db_handle\'');
return false;
* Check to make sure 'max_links_between_ellipses' is an odd number
if(!($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] & 1))
throw new paginationException('Setting \'max_links_between_ellipses\' has been set with the value \''.$this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'].'\' - This number must be an odd number');
return false;
* Check to make sure the page number variable is in the URL
$page_number_var_position = strpos($this->options['url'], $this->options['url_page_number_var']);
if($page_number_var_position === false)
throw new paginationException('You have not placed the variable in your URL that will be replaced with the page number - please add this variable where required: <strong>'.$this->options['url_page_number_var'].'<strong>');
return false;
* If the checks have passed, return true
return true;
* prepare_query(void)
* Prepares the query to be run with the found rows and start/end limits
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function prepare_query()
* Add SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS (If it's not there) for finding out total amount of results later on
if(substr($this->query, 0, 26) != 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')
$this->query = substr_replace(trim($this->query), 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS', 0, 6);
* Add our start/end limit
if($this->current_page == 1)
$this->query .= ' LIMIT 0, '.$this->options['results_per_page'];
$this->query .= ' LIMIT '.(($this->current_page - 1) * $this->options['results_per_page']).', '.$this->options['results_per_page'];
* excecute_query(void)
* Run's the query against the database
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function excecute_query()
if($this->options['db_conn_type'] == 'mysqli')
* Execute using MySQLi
$this->resultset = $this->options['db_handle']->query($this->query);
* Get the total results with FOUND_ROWS()
$count_rows = $this->options['db_handle']->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS();');
$found_rows = $count_rows->fetch_assoc();
$this->total_results = $found_rows['FOUND_ROWS()'];
elseif($this->options['db_conn_type'] == 'pdo')
if($this->options['using_bound_params'] == false && $this->options['using_bound_values'] == false)
* Execute using PDO - not using bindParams
$pdos = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare($this->query);
* Use plain method or bind some named params
* Using alternate styles to avoid any errors with empty arrays
if($this->options['named_params'] == false)
$this->resultset = $pdos;
* Get the total results with FOUND_ROWS()
$pdos_fr = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
$pdos_fr_result = $pdos_fr->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$this->total_results = $pdos_fr_result['FOUND_ROWS()'];
* Excecute using PDO, but pause for binding params
$this->pdos = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare($this->query);
* An unknown DB connection type has been set
throw new paginationException('You have selected a \'db_conn_type\' of \''.$this->options['db_conn_type'].'\' - this method is not supported');
* bindParam(standard params)
* Bind params to the query
* @access public
* @param multi Typical bindParam attr
* @return void
public function bindParam($a = null, $b = null, $c = null, $d = null, $e = null)
$this->pdos->bindParam($a, $b, $c, $d, $e);
* bindValue(standard params)
* Bind values to the query
* @access public
* @param multi Typical bindValue attr
* @return void
public function bindValue($a = null, $b = null, $c = null)
$this->pdos->bindValue($a, $b, $c);
* execute(void)
* Continues the execution of the query after binding params
* @access public
* @return void
public function execute()
$this->resultset = $this->pdos;
* Get the total results with FOUND_ROWS()
$pdos_fr = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();");
$pdos_fr_result = $pdos_fr->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$this->total_results = $pdos_fr_result['FOUND_ROWS()'];
* Calculate the total number of pages
* Work out the total number of pages before an ellipses is shown
* Build the HTML to output
* Set success to true
$this->success = true;
* calculate_number_of_pages(void)
* Calculates how many pages there will be
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function calculate_number_of_pages()
if(ceil($this->total_results / $this->options['results_per_page']) > $this->options['max_pages_to_fetch'])
$this->total_pages = $this->options['max_pages_to_fetch'];
$this->total_pages = ceil($this->total_results / $this->options['results_per_page']);
* calculate_max_pages_before_ellipses(void)
* Calculates the number of links to show before showing an ellipses
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function calculate_max_pages_before_ellipses()
$this->number_of_links_before_showing_ellipses = $this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + ($this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'] * 2);
* build_link_url(int $page_number)
* Builds the URL to insert in links
* @access protected
* @param int $page_number The page number to insert into the link
* @return string The built URL
protected function build_link_url($page_number)
return str_replace($this->options['url_page_number_var'], $page_number, $this->options['url']);
* get_current_or_normal_class(int $page_number)
* Returns the live link class, or link link and current page class
* @access protected
* @param int $page_number The page number to insert into the link
* @return string The class to use
protected function get_current_or_normal_class($page_number)
if($page_number == $this->current_page)
return $this->options['class_live_links'].' '.$this->options['class_current_page'];
return $this->options['class_live_links'];
* build_links(void)
* Build the HTML links
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links()
* Start the UL
$this->links_html = '<ul class="'.$this->options['class_ul'].'">'.PHP_EOL;
* Build our main links
if($this->total_pages <= $this->number_of_links_before_showing_ellipses)
* We have enough links to show the ellipses, so run through other method
if($this->current_page <= (($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'])) - 2)
elseif($this->current_page > (($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) - 2) && $this->current_page < (($this->total_pages - ($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) + 1) + 2))
* Close the UL
$this->links_html .= '</ul>'.PHP_EOL;
* build_li_element(string $class, string $text, bool $is_link, int $page_number)
* Builds LI elements
* @access protected
* @param string $class The class to apply to the LI
* @param string $text The text for the LI element
* @param bool $is_link If this is a link or not
* @param int $page_number The page number to use (if a link)
* @return void
public function build_li_element($class, $text, $is_link = false, $page_number = 0)
if($is_link == false)
$this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$class.'"><span>'.$text.'</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
$this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$class.'"><a href="'.$this->build_link_url($page_number).'">'.$text.'</a></li>'.PHP_EOL;
* build_links_first_prev(void)
* Builds (if required) the First/Prev links
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links_first_prev()
* The 'First' link
if($this->options['show_links_first_last'] == true)
if($this->current_page == 1 && $this->options['show_links_first_last_if_dead'] == true)
$this->build_li_element($this->options['class_dead_links'], $this->options['text_first']);
elseif($this->current_page != 1)
$this->build_li_element($this->options['class_live_links'], $this->options['text_first'], true, 1);
$this->links_array['extras']['first'] = array(
'page_number' => 1,
'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == 1 ? 1 : 0),
'link_url' => $this->build_link_url(1),
'label' => $this->options['text_first']
* The 'Previous' link
if($this->options['show_links_prev_next'] == true)
if($this->current_page == 1 && $this->options['show_links_prev_next_if_dead'] == true)
$this->build_li_element($this->options['class_dead_links'], $this->options['text_prev']);
elseif($this->current_page != 1)
$this->build_li_element($this->options['class_live_links'], $this->options['text_prev'], true, ($this->current_page - 1));
$this->links_array['extras']['previous'] = array(
'page_number' => ($this->current_page != 1 ? $this->current_page - 1 : 1),
'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == 1 ? 1 : 0),
'link_url' => ($this->current_page != 1 ? $this->build_link_url($this->current_page - 1) : $this->build_link_url(1)),
'label' => $this->options['text_prev']
* loop_through_links(int $start, int $finish)
* Loops through a given range of numbers and add's then as links in the html
* @access protected
* @param int $start The number to start looping
* @param int $finish The number to finish looping
* @return void
protected function loop_through_links($start, $finish, $array_block_label = '')
$counter = $start;
while($counter <= $finish)
if($this->options['current_page_is_link'] == false && $counter == $this->current_page)
$this->build_li_element($this->get_current_or_normal_class($counter), $counter);
$this->build_li_element($this->get_current_or_normal_class($counter), $counter, true, $counter);
$this->links_array['links'][$array_block_label][] = array(
'page_number' => $counter,
'is_current_page' => ($counter == $this->current_page ? 1 : 0),
'link_url' => $this->build_link_url($counter)
* add_ellipses(void)
* Add's an ellipses to the html
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function add_ellipses()
$this->build_li_element($this->options['class_ellipses'], $this->options['text_ellipses']);
* build_links_skip_all_ellipses(void)
* Add all links, with no ellipses at all
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links_skip_all_ellipses()
* If there's not enough links to have an ellipses in the set, just run through them all
$this->loop_through_links(1, $this->total_pages, 0);
* build_links_skip_first_ellipses(void)
* Add all links, without the first ellipses
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links_skip_first_ellipses()
* Type 1 - skipping the first ellipses due to being low in the current page number
$this->loop_through_links(1, ($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']), 0);
$this->loop_through_links((($this->total_pages - $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) + 1), $this->total_pages, 1);
* build_links_dont_skip_ellipses(void)
* Add all links, with both sets of ellipses
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links_dont_skip_ellipses()
* Type 2 - Current page is between both sets of ellipses
$this->loop_through_links(1, $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'], 0);
$before_after = (($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] - 1) / 2);
$this->loop_through_links(($this->current_page - $before_after), ($this->current_page + $before_after), 1);
$this->loop_through_links((($this->total_pages - $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses']) + 1), $this->total_pages, 2);
* build_links_dont_skip_ellipses(void)
* Add all links, without the last ellipses
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links_skip_last_ellipses()
* Type 3 - skipping the last ellipses due to being high in the current page number
$this->loop_through_links(1, $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'], 0);
$this->loop_through_links((($this->total_pages - ($this->options['max_links_between_ellipses'] + $this->options['max_links_outside_ellipses'])) + 1), $this->total_pages, 1);
* build_links_next_last(void)
* Builds (if required) the Next/Last links
* @access protected
* @return void
protected function build_links_next_last()
* The 'Next' link
if($this->options['show_links_prev_next'] == true)
if($this->current_page == $this->total_pages && $this->options['show_links_prev_next_if_dead'] == true)
$this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_dead_links'].'"><span>'.$this->options['text_next'].'</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
elseif($this->current_page != $this->total_pages)
$this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_live_links'].'"><a href="'.$this->build_link_url($this->current_page + 1).'">'.$this->options['text_next'].'</a></li>'.PHP_EOL;
$this->links_array['extras']['next'] = array(
'page_number' => ($this->current_page != $this->total_pages ? $this->current_page + 1 : $this->total_pages),
'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == $this->total_pages ? 1 : 0),
'link_url' => ($this->current_page != $this->total_pages ? $this->build_link_url($this->current_page + 1) : $this->build_link_url($this->total_pages)),
'label' => $this->options['text_next']
* The 'Last' link
if($this->options['show_links_first_last'] == true)
if($this->current_page == $this->total_pages && $this->options['show_links_first_last_if_dead'] == true)
$this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_dead_links'].'"><span>'.$this->options['text_last'].'</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
elseif($this->current_page != $this->total_pages)
$this->links_html .= '<li class="'.$this->options['class_live_links'].'"><a href="'.$this->build_link_url($this->total_pages).'">'.$this->options['text_last'].'</a></li>'.PHP_EOL;
$this->links_array['extras']['last'] = array(
'page_number' => $this->total_pages,
'is_current_page' => ($this->current_page == $this->total_pages ? 1 : 0),
'link_url' => $this->build_link_url($this->total_pages),
'label' => $this->options['text_last']
class paginationException extends Exception
* __construct(string $message)
* Prepare the new exception class
* @access protected
* @param string $message The exception message
* @return void
public function __construct($message)
* __toString(void)
* Return the message for the exception
* @access protected
* @return string The exception message
public function __toString()
return '<strong>Pagination Class Error:</strong> '.$this->message.PHP_EOL;
et mon un code php dans ma page actus.php
$host = "**********************";
$user = "**********************";
$passwd = "**********************";
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=$host; dbname=**********************, $user, $passwd');
catch(PDOException $e)
print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = 1;
$options = array(
'results_per_page' => 6,
'url' => 'actualites-alimentation.php?page=*VAR*',
'db_handle' => $dbh
$paginate = new pagination($page, 'SELECT * FROM liste-articles ORDER BY id', $options);
catch(paginationException $e)
echo $e;
* If we get a success, carry on
if($paginate->success == true)
* Fetch our results
$result = $paginate->resultset->fetchAll();
* Echo out the UL with the page links
echo '.$paginate->links_html.';
* Echo out the total number of results
echo '.$paginate->total_results.';
foreach($result as $row)
<div class="masonry__item">
<article class="article article--thumb media flush--bottom grid post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category">
<div class="media__img--rev grid__item five-twelfths palm-one-whole">
<a href="../articles/actualites-dietetiques.php?id=<?php echo $result[$row]['id']; ?>" class="image-wrap" style="padding-top: 76.417910447761%"> <img src="<?php echo $result[$row]['thumbs']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $result[$row]['alt_images']; ?>"> </a></div>
<div class="media__body grid__item seven-twelfths palm-one-whole">
<div class="article__category">
<a class="small-link" href="../<?php echo $result[$row]['url_categories']; ?>" title="Voir tous les articles : <?php echo $result[$row]['categories']; ?>"><?php echo $result[$row]['categories']; ?></a></div>
<div class="article__title article--thumb__title"> <a href="../articles/actualites-dietetiques.php?id=<?php echo $result[$row]['id']; ?>">
<h3 class="hN"><?php echo $result[$row]['titre']; ?></h3></a></div>
<div class="article--grid__body">
<div class="article__content"><p><?php echo $result[$row]['abstract']; ?></p></div>
</div><ul class="nav article__meta-links"><li class="xpost_date"><i class="icon-time"></i> <?php echo $result[$row]['date']; ?></li></ul>
</div> </article>
<hr class="separator separator--subsection">
<ol class="nav pagination">
<li><a class="page-numbers current" href="actualites-alimentation-dietetique-nutrition.php?page="></a></li>
<li><span class="page-numbers dots">…</span></li>
<li><a class="" href="actualites-alimentation-dietetique-nutrition.php?page="echo '.$paginate->total_pages.';"></a></li>
<li><a class="next page-numbers" href="">Suivant</a></li>
Mon problème est qu'il y a des erreurs que je ne comprend pas :
Error!: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '$host' (1)
Notice: Undefined variable: dbh in /home/*************/actualites-alimentation.php on line 368
--> qui correspond au
de $options = array(
'results_per_page' => 6,
'url' => 'actualites-alimentation.php?page=*VAR*',
'db_handle' => $dbh
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object in /home/dieteticw/www/v2/src/pagination.php on line 320
$pdos = $this->options['db_handle']->prepare($this->query);
Modifié par dafid5 (10 Sep 2015 - 19:38)