5545 sujets

Sémantique web et HTML


J'ai un probléme de validation w3c pour ma page mail.
En effet j'ai creer un album avec jalbum pour mon site il a attibuer dans le body a mes image un attribut rel pour dimensionner mais photo or lors de ma validation w3c en xhtml strict cet attribut rel est invalide pourriez vous me dire par quoi je doit remplacer cet attribut.
En vous remerciant pour votre aide

Sans lien vers la page en question ou sans code source, il nous sera difficile de deviner par quoi remplacer ton attribut.

S'il s'agit de sélectionner plusieurs éléments img qui peuvent être redimensionnés, l'attribut class est plus approprié, l'attribut rel n'étant admis que pour les éléments a et link (du moins en HTML 4 et XHTML 1).
<a href="slides/gourmet.jpg" title="">

<img src="thumbs/gourmet.jpg" alt="Gourmet" title="Gourmet" style="width: 90px; height: 90px;" rel="width:550;;height:456"/>

code javascript faisant appel a l'element rel

* Galleria (http://monc.se/kitchen)
* Galleria is a javascript image gallery written in jQuery.
* It loads the images one by one from an unordered list and displays thumbnails when each image is loaded.
* It will create thumbnails for you if you choose so, scaled or unscaled,
* centered and cropped inside a fixed thumbnail box defined by CSS.
* The core of Galleria lies in it's smart preloading behaviour, snappiness and the fresh absence
* of obtrusive design elements. Use it as a foundation for your custom styled image gallery.
* Galleria now features a useful history extension, enabling back button and bookmarking for each image.
* The main image is no longer stored inside each list item, instead it is placed inside a container
* onImage and onThumb functions lets you customize the behaviours of the images on the site
* Tested in Safari 3, Firefox 2, MSIE 6, MSIE 7, Opera 9
* Version 1.0
* Februari 21, 2008
* Copyright (c) 2008 David Hellsing (http://monc.se)
* Licensed under the GPL licenses.
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt

var $$;

* @desc Convert images from a simple html <ul> into a thumbnail gallery
* @author David Hellsing
* @version 1.0
* @name Galleria
* @type jQuery
* @cat plugins/Media
* @example $('ul.gallery').galleria({options});
* @desc Create a a gallery from an unordered list of images with thumbnails
* @options
* insert: (selector string) by default, Galleria will create a container div before your ul that holds the image.
* You can, however, specify a selector where the image will be placed instead (f.ex '#main_img')
* history: Boolean for setting the history object in action with enabled back button, bookmarking etc.
* onImage: (function) a function that gets fired when the image is displayed and brings the jQuery image object.
* You can use it to add click functionality and effects.
* f.ex onImage(image) { image.css('display','none').fadeIn(); } will fadeIn each image that is displayed
* onThumb: (function) a function that gets fired when the thumbnail is displayed and brings the jQuery thumb object.
* Works the same as onImage except it targets the thumbnail after it's loaded.
$$ = $.fn.galleria = function($options) {

// check for basic CSS support
if (!$$.hasCSS()) { return false; }

// init the modified history object

// set default options
var $defaults = {
insert : '.galleria_container',
history : true,
clickNext : true,
onImage : function(image,caption,thumb) {},
onThumb : function(thumb) {},
onPrev : function() {},
onNext : function() {},
onPrevFast : function() {},
onNextFast : function() {},
preloads : 3,
fastSteps : 3

// extend the options
var $opts = $.extend($defaults, $options);

// bring the options to the galleria object
for (var i in $opts) {
$.galleria = $opts[i];

// if no insert selector, create a new division and insert it before the ul
var _insert = ($($opts.insert).is($opts.insert)) ?
$($opts.insert) :

// create a wrapping div for the image
var _div = $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('galleria_wrapper');

// create a caption span
var _span = $(document.createElement('span')).addClass('caption');

// inject the wrapper in in the insert selector


return this.each(function(){

// add the Galleria class

// loop through list
$(this).children('li').each(function(i) {

// bring the scope
var _container = $(this);

// build element specific options
var _o = $.meta ? $.extend({}, $opts, _container.data()) : $opts;

// remove the clickNext if image is only child
_o.clickNext = $(this).is(':only-child') ? false : _o.clickNext;

/************************** Modified to get faster loads ******************************************/

// try to fetch an anchor
var _a = $(this).find('a');

// reference the original image as a variable and hide it
var _img = $(this).children('img').css('display','none');

// extract the original source
var _src = _a.attr('href');

// Added for faster loads
if (i < _o.preloads) {

// find a title
var _title = _a.attr('title');

// check url and activate container if match
if (_o.history && (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.replace(/\#/,'') == _src)) {

var _thumb = _a.find('img').addClass('thumb').css('display','none');

// center thumbnails.
marginLeft: (_thumb.width > 0 ? (-( _thumb.width() - _container.width() )/2) : 0),
marginTop: (_thumb.height > 0 ? (-( _thumb.height() - _container.height() )/2) : 0)

// add the rel attribute

// add the title attribute

// add the click functionality to the _thumb
_thumb.click(function() {

// hover classes for IE6
function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }
function() { _container.addClass('hover'); },
function() { _container.removeClass('hover'); }

// prepend the thumbnail in the container

// show the thumbnail

// call the onThumb function

// check active class and activate image if match
if (_container.hasClass('active')) {

// finally delete the original image


// Added for faster loading. Init loading.
var _first = $.galleria.nextInQueue();
if (_first != null) {

* @name NextSelector
* @desc Returns the sibling sibling, or the first one
$$.nextSelector = function(selector) {
return $(selector).is(':last-child') ?
$(selector).siblings(':first-child') :


* @name previousSelector
* @desc Returns the previous sibling, or the last one
$$.previousSelector = function(selector) {
return $(selector).is(':first-child') ?
$(selector).siblings(':last-child') :


* Added to enable fast stepping
$$.stepSelector = function(selector, steps) {
var _s = $(selector).parent().find('> li');
var _i = _s.index(selector) + steps;
var _l = _s.length;
if (_i > (_l - 1)) {
_i -= _l;
} else if (_i < 0) {
_i += _l;
return $(selector).parent().find(':nth-child(' + (_i + 1) + ')');

* @name hasCSS
* @desc Checks for CSS support and returns a boolean value
$$.hasCSS = function() {
.css({ width:'1px', height:'1px', display:'none' })
var _v = ($('#css_test').width() != 1) ? false : true;
return _v;

* @name onPageLoad
* @desc The function that displays the image and alters the active classes
* Note: This function gets called when:
* 1. after calling $.historyInit();
* 2. after calling $.historyLoad();
* 3. after pushing "Go Back" button of a browser
$$.onPageLoad = function(_src) {

// get the wrapper
var _wrapper = $('.galleria_wrapper');

// get the thumb
// Modified to work with latest version of jQuery
var _thumb = $('.galleria img[rel="'+_src+'"]');

if (_src) {

// new hash location
if ($.galleria.history) {
window.location = window.location.href.replace(/\#.*/,'') + '#' + _src;

// alter the active classes

// define a new image
// Modified for faster loads
var _loader = $.galleria.loader;
if (!$.galleria.isLoaded(_src) && _loader != null) {
var _width = _thumb.data('width');
var _height = _thumb.data('height');
'width' : _width + 'px',
'height' : _height + 'px',
'display' : 'none' }).fadeIn('fast'));
_loader.children('img').css('marginTop', (_height/3) + 'px');

// Also hide siblings to parent of wrapper
// Added to remove additional metadata
var _img = $.galleria.loadImage(_src, function() {
// empty the wrapper and insert the new image

// insert the caption
// Modified to allow html in captions

// fire the onImage function to customize the loaded image's features

// add clickable image helper
if($.galleria.clickNext) {
$(this).css('cursor','pointer').click(function() { $.galleria.next(); })

// Added to deal with weird resize bug in IE
} else {

// clean up the container if none are active

// remove active classes
$('.galleria li.active').removeClass('active');

// place the source in the galleria.current variable
$.galleria.current = _src;

* @name jQuery.galleria
* @desc The global galleria object holds four constant variables and four public methods:
* $.galleria.history = a boolean for setting the history object in action with named URLs
* $.galleria.current = is the current source that's being viewed.
* $.galleria.clickNext = boolean helper for adding a clickable image that leads to the next one in line
* $.galleria.next() = displays the next image in line, returns to first image after the last.
* $.galleria.prev() = displays the previous image in line, returns to last image after the first.
* $.galleria.activate(_src) = displays an image from _src in the galleria container.
* $.galleria.onImage(image,caption) = gets fired when the image is displayed.
$.extend({galleria : {
current : '',
onImage : function(){},
activate : function(_src) {
if ($.galleria.history) {
} else {
// Added to enable fast stepping
getByStepping : function(steps) {
return $($$.stepSelector($('.galleria img[rel="'+$.galleria.current+'"]').parents('li'), steps)).find('img').attr('rel');
// Added for faster loads
getNext : function() {
return $($$.nextSelector($('.galleria img[rel="'+$.galleria.current+'"]').parents('li'))).find('img').attr('rel');
// Added to enable fast stepping
nextFast : function() {
if (!$.galleria.stopped) {
next : function() {
// Added to keep thumbnail scroller in sync with main image
if (!$.galleria.stopped) {

// Modified to work with latest version of jQuery

// Added additional callback

// Added additional preloads
var _next = $.galleria.getNext();
if (!$.galleria.isLoaded(_next) && !$.galleria.isQueued(_next)) {
if ($.galleria.queue.length > 0) {
getPrev : function() {
return $($$.previousSelector($('.galleria img[style="'+$.galleria.current+'"]').parents('li'))).find('img').attr('rel');
// Added to enable fast stepping
prevFast : function() {
if (!$.galleria.stopped) {
prev : function() {
// Added to keep thumbnail scroller in sync with main image
if (!$.galleria.stopped) {

// Modified to work with latest version of jQuery

// Added additional callback

// Added additional preloads
var _prev = $.galleria.getPrev();
if (!$.galleria.isLoaded(_prev) && !$.galleria.isQueued(_prev)) {
if ($.galleria.queue.length > 0) {
// Added to enable faster loads
queue : new Array(),
loaded : new Array(),
isQueued : function(_src) {
return $.inArray(_src, $.galleria.queue) > -1;
isLoaded : function(_src) {
return $.inArray(_src, $.galleria.loaded) > -1;
nextInQueue : function() {
if ($.galleria.queue.length > 0) {
var _next = $.galleria.queue.shift();
if ($.galleria.isLoaded(_next)) {
return $.galleria.nextInQueue();
return _next;
return null;
preload : function(_src) {
return $.galleria.loadImage(_src, function() {
if ($.galleria.queue.length > 0) {
var _next = $.galleria.nextInQueue();
if (_next != null) {
loadImage : function(_src, _onLoad) {
var _img = $(new Image());
if (typeof _onLoad == 'function') {
return _img.attr('src',_src);
// Added to keep thumbnail scroller in sync with main image
stopped : false,
start : function() {
$.galleria.stopped = false;
stop : function() {
$.galleria.stopped = true;
loader : null


* Extension to copy formatted data from the rel attribute to the element data.
* Format: rel='key1:value1;;key2:value2'
(function($) {
$.fn.relToData = function() {
var rel = this.attr('style');
var arr = rel.split(';;');
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var len = arr[i].length;
if (len > 2) {
var cIndex = arr[i].indexOf(':');
if (cIndex > 0 && cIndex < len-2) {
var key = arr[i].substring(0, cIndex);
var val = arr[i].substring(cIndex+1, len);
this.data(key, val);

* Packed history extension for jQuery
* Credits to http://www.mikage.to/
jQuery.extend({historyCurrentHash:undefined,historyCallback:undefined,historyInit:function(callback){jQuery.historyCallback=callback;var current_hash=location.hash;jQuery.historyCurrentHash=current_hash;if(jQuery.browser.msie){if(jQuery.historyCurrentHash==''){jQuery.historyCurrentHash='#'}$("body").prepend('<iframe id="jQuery_history" style="display: none;"></iframe>');var ihistory=$("#jQuery_history")[0];var iframe=ihistory.contentWindow.document;iframe.open();iframe.close();iframe.location.hash=current_hash}else if($.browser.safari){jQuery.historyBackStack=[];jQuery.historyBackStack.length=history.length;jQuery.historyForwardStack=[];jQuery.isFirst=true}jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/,''));setInterval(jQuery.historyCheck,100)},historyAddHistory:function(hash){jQuery.historyBackStack.push(hash);jQuery.historyForwardStack.length=0;this.isFirst=true},historyCheck:function(){if(jQuery.browser.msie){var ihistory=$("#jQuery_history")[0];var iframe=ihistory.contentDocument||ihistory.contentWindow.document;var current_hash=iframe.location.hash;if(current_hash!=jQuery.historyCurrentHash){location.hash=current_hash;jQuery.historyCurrentHash=current_hash;jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/,''))}}else if($.browser.safari){if(!jQuery.dontCheck){var historyDelta=history.length-jQuery.historyBackStack.length;if(historyDelta){jQuery.isFirst=false;if(historyDelta<0){for(var i=0;i<Math.abs(historyDelta);i++)jQuery.historyForwardStack.unshift(jQuery.historyBackStack.pop())}else{for(var i=0;i<historyDelta;i++)jQuery.historyBackStack.push(jQuery.historyForwardStack.shift())}var cachedHash=jQuery.historyBackStack[jQuery.historyBackStack.length-1];if(cachedHash!=undefined){jQuery.historyCurrentHash=location.hash;jQuery.historyCallback(cachedHash)}}else if(jQuery.historyBackStack[jQuery.historyBackStack.length-1]==undefined&&!jQuery.isFirst){if(document.URL.indexOf('#')>=0){jQuery.historyCallback(document.URL.split('#')[1])}else{var current_hash=location.hash;jQuery.historyCallback('')}jQuery.isFirst=true}}}else{var current_hash=location.hash;if(current_hash!=jQuery.historyCurrentHash){jQuery.historyCurrentHash=current_hash;jQuery.historyCallback(current_hash.replace(/^#/,''))}}},historyLoad:function(hash){var newhash;if(jQuery.browser.safari){newhash=hash}else{newhash='#'+hash;location.hash=newhash}jQuery.historyCurrentHash=newhash;if(jQuery.browser.msie){var ihistory=$("#jQuery_history")[0];var iframe=ihistory.contentWindow.document;iframe.open();iframe.close();iframe.location.hash=newhash;jQuery.historyCallback(hash)}else if(jQuery.browser.safari){jQuery.dontCheck=true;this.historyAddHistory(hash);var fn=function(){jQuery.dontCheck=false};window.setTimeout(fn,200);jQuery.historyCallback(hash);location.hash=newhash}else{jQuery.historyCallback(hash)}}});

merci pour votre aide
En effet, l'attribut rel avec des dimensions dans une balise d'image n'est pas conforme.

Tu rencontreras le même problème avec la LightBox et compagnie.

Une solution consiste à ne pas redimensionner tes images à la volée et de les charger directement dans une taille équivalente et raisonnable.

En gros:

- Retirer l'attribut rel=
- Redimensionner tes images à la main (par ex: 800*600)

En partant du principe qu'il est nécessaire, dans le cas présent, de stocker dans le DOM des données telles que les dimensions de l'image grand format:

1. HTML4 et XHTML1 ne prévoient rien pour stocker des données arbitraires.
2. Il existe des pratiques qui consistent à détourner des attributs HTML existant, par exemple les attributs rel, class ou title. Je ne les recommande pas.
3. En HTML5, on peut créer ses propres attributs commençant par le préfixe "data-". Je peux par exemple écrire <element data-lol="what">, et récupérer la chaine de caractères "what" en JavaScript en utilisant element.dataset.lol (si element.dataset est implémenté...), ou bien element.getAttribute('data-lol') qui est une méthode DOM classique, largement implémentée.

Si tu travaillais en HTML5, tu pourrais avoir:
<img src="thumbs/gourmet.jpg"
Bien sûr le script JS devrait être modifié pour récupérer les valeurs des attributs data-fullwidth et data-fullheight.

Si tu travailles en HTML4 ou en XHTML1, ma recommandation reste d'utililiser des attributs personnalisés comme dans l'exemple ci-dessus. Ça ne sera pas valide, mais tant pis.

Enfin, si tu n'as pas les compétences pour modifier le script JS utilisé, ne touche à rien... Smiley smile
Modifié par Florent V. (19 Aug 2010 - 14:39)