Bonjour, je voudrais savoir ou mettre un lien ( ex: uneautrepage.html ) pour rediriger un internaute après la validation du formulaire.
Voici le PHP
je sais pas si c'est bien ici aussi que je doit mettre sa.
Car le code est long
merci beaucoup
Voici le PHP
# PHPFMG_ID:'20140418-ca50'
# Date : 20140418 06:57:57
# Generated By Free PHP Formmail Generator :
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
define( 'PAYPAL_ID' , '' ); // Put donation ID here to disable the bottom backlink
define( 'PHPFMG_TO' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_REDIRECT', '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_ID' , '20140418-ca50' );
define( 'PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR' , dirname(__FILE__) );
define( 'PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE' , PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR . '/form-data-log.php' ); // save submitted data to this file
define( 'PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE' , PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR . '/email-traffics-log.php' ); // log email traffics to this file
if( !defined('PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL') ) define( 'PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL' , 'admin.php' ); // might be defined already by wordpress form loader plugin
// three options : empty - always mail file as attachment, 0 - always mail file as link, N - mail file as link if filesize larger than N Kilobytes
define( 'PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_UPLOAD_CONTROL' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS' , ".php, .html, .css, .js, .exe, .com, .bat, .vb, .vbs, scr, .inf, .reg, .lnk, .pif, .ade, .adp, .app, .bas, .chm, .cmd, .cpl, .crt, .csh, .fxp, .hlp, .hta, .ins, .isp, .jse, .ksh, .Lnk, .mda, .mdb, .mde, .mdt, .mdw, .mdz, .msc, .msi, .msp, .mst, .ops, .pcd, .prf, .prg, .pst, .scf, .scr, .sct, .shb, .shs, .url, .vbe, .wsc, .wsf, .wsh" );
define( 'PHPFMG_HARMFUL_EXTS_MSG' , 'File is potential harmful. Upload is not allowed.' );
define( 'PHPFMG_ALLOW_EXTS' , ".jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp" );
define( 'PHPFMG_ALLOW_EXTS_MSG' , "Upload is not allowed. Please check your file type." );
define( 'PHPFMG_SUBJECT' , "Recrutement" );
define( 'PHPFMG_CC' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_BCC', '' );
// for auto-response email
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_ENABLE' , 'Y' ); // 'Y' to enable auto-response email, use '' or 'N' to turn off
define( 'PHPFMG_YOUR_NAME' , '' ); // name of auto-response mail address
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_EMAIL' , "" );
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_SUBJECT' , "" ); // auto-response mail subject
define( 'PHPFMG_RETURN_NO_ATTACHMENT' , '' ); // Y - No attachements will be included for auto-response email
define( 'PHPFMG_CHARSET' , 'UTF-8' );
define( 'PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE' , 'html' ); // send mail in html format or plain text.
define( 'PHPFMG_ACTION' , 'mailandfile' ); // delivery method
define( 'PHPFMG_TEXT_ALIGN' , 'top' ); // field label text alignment: top, right, left
define( 'PHPFMG_NO_FROM_HEADER' , '' ); // don't make up From: header.
define( 'PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM' , '' ); // force sender's email
define( 'PHPFMG_USE_PHPMAILER' , '' ); // Y - use phpmailer as the default
// smtp options
define( 'PHPFMG_USE_SMTP' , '' ); // Y - enable
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_USER' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_PASSWORD' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_PLAIN_PASSWORD' , '' ); // use this to overwrite above password
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_PORT' , '' ); // default 25, use 465 for gmail
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_SECURE' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SMTP_DEBUG_LEVEL' , '' ); // empty or 0 - trun off debug
if( !class_exists('PHPMailer') && file_exists(PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR.'/phpmailer.php') ){
include_once( PHPFMG_ROOT_DIR.'/phpmailer.php' );
define( 'PHPFMG_SIMPLE_CAPTCHA_NAME' , phpfmg_captcha_name() ); // comment this line if you want to disable the simple built-in captcha code
define( 'HOST_NAME',getEnv( 'SERVER_NAME' ) );
define( 'PHP_SELF', getEnv( 'SCRIPT_NAME' ) );
define( 'PHPFMG_LNCR', phpfmg_linebreak() );
define( 'PHPFMG_ANTI_HOTLINKING' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_REFERERS_ALLOW', "" ); // Referers - domains/ips that you will allow forms to reside on.
define( 'PHPFMG_REFERERS_DENIED_MSG', "You are coming from an <b>unauthorized domain.</b>" );
define( 'PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY' , '' );
define( 'PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY_METHOD' , '' );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function phpfmg_thankyou(){
} // end of function phpfmg_thankyou()
function phpfmg_auto_response_message(){
$msg = ob_get_contents() ;
return trim($msg);
function phpfmg_mail_template(){
$msg = ob_get_contents() ;
return trim($msg);
# --- Array of Form Elements ---
$GLOBALS['form_mail'] = array();
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_0'] = array( "name" => "field_0", "text" => "Nom", "type" => "senderlastname", "instruction" => "Veuillez completer ce champ", "required" => "Required" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_1'] = array( "name" => "field_1", "text" => "Prénom", "type" => "senderfirstname", "instruction" => "Veuillez completer ce champ", "required" => "Required" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_2'] = array( "name" => "field_2", "text" => "Votre mail", "type" => "sender's email", "instruction" => "Veuillez completer ce champ", "required" => "Required" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_3'] = array( "name" => "field_3", "text" => "Adresse", "type" => "text", "instruction" => "", "required" => "" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_4'] = array( "name" => "field_4", "text" => "Ville", "type" => "text", "instruction" => "", "required" => "" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_5'] = array( "name" => "field_5", "text" => "Téléphone", "type" => "text", "instruction" => "", "required" => "" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_6'] = array( "name" => "field_6", "text" => "Joindre votre CV", "type" => "attachment", "instruction" => "", "required" => "" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_7'] = array( "name" => "field_7", "text" => "Objet", "type" => "text", "instruction" => "Veuillez completer ce champ", "required" => "Required" ) ;
$GLOBALS['form_mail']['field_8'] = array( "name" => "field_8", "text" => "Votre message", "type" => "textarea", "instruction" => "Veuillez completer ce champ", "required" => "Required" ) ;
* GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2)
function phpfmg_init(){
error_reporting( E_ERROR );
ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
ini_set( 'max_execution_time', 0 );
ini_set( 'max_input_time', 36000 );
if( !isset($_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']) )
if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() && isset($_POST) ) {
phpfmg_stripslashes( $_POST );
function phpfmg_stripslashes(&$var){
if(!is_array($var)) {
$var = stripslashes($var);
} else {
function phpfmg_display_form( $title="", $keywords="", $description="" ){
@header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . PHPFMG_CHARSET );
$phpfmg_send = phpfmg_sendmail( $GLOBALS['form_mail'] ) ;
$isHideForm = isset($phpfmg_send['isHideForm']) ? $phpfmg_send['isHideForm'] : false;
$sErr = isset($phpfmg_send['error']) ? $phpfmg_send['error'] : '';
# FormMail main()
phpfmg_header( $title, $keywords, $description );
if( !$isHideForm ){
function phpfmg_linebreak(){
$os = strtolower(PHP_OS);
switch( true ){
case ("\\" == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) : // windows
return "\x0d\x0a" ;
case ( strpos($os, 'darwin') !== false ) : // Mac
return "\x0d" ;
default :
return "\x0a" ; // *nix
function phpfmg_sendmail( &$form_mail ) {
if( !isset($_POST["formmail_submit"]) ) return ;
$isHideForm = false ;
$sErr = checkPass($form_mail);
$err_captcha = phpfmg_check_captcha();
if( $err_captcha != '' ){
$sErr['fields'][] = 'phpfmg_captcha';
$sErr['errors'][] = ERR_CAPTCHA;
if( empty($sErr['fields']) && phpfmg_has_entry() ){
$sErr['fields'][] = 'phpfmg_found_entry';
$sErr['errors'][] = 'Found entry already!';
if( empty($sErr['fields']) ){
sendFormMail( $form_mail, PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE ) ;
$isHideForm = true;
// move the redirect to phpfmg_thankyou() to get around the redirection within an iframe problem
$redirect = PHPFMG_REDIRECT;
if( strlen(trim($redirect)) ):
header( "Location: $redirect" );
return array(
'isHideForm' => $isHideForm,
'error' => $sErr ,
function phpfmg_has_entry(){
if( !file_exists(PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE) ){
return false; // has nothing to check
$found = false ;
if( defined('PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY ){
$query = defined('PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY_METHOD') && PHPFMG_ONE_ENTRY_METHOD == 'email' && isset($GLOBALS['sender_email']) ? $GLOBALS['sender_email'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ;
if( empty($query) )
return false ;
$GLOBALS['OneEntry'] = $query;
$query = '"'. strtolower($query) . '"';
$handle = fopen(PHPFMG_SAVE_FILE,'r');
if ($handle) {
while (!feof($handle)) {
$entry = strtolower(fgets($handle, 4096));
if( strpos($entry,$query) !== false ){
$found = true ;
return $found ;
function sendFormMail( $form_mail, $sFileName = "" )
$to = filterEmail(PHPFMG_TO) ;
$cc = filterEmail(PHPFMG_CC) ;
$bcc = filterEmail(PHPFMG_BCC) ;
// simply chop email address to avoid my website being abused
if( false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),'') ){
$cc = substr($cc, 0, 50);
$bcc = substr($bcc,0, 50);
$subject = PHPFMG_SUBJECT ;
$from = $to ;
$fromName = "";
$titleOfSender = '';
$firstName = "";
$lastName = "";
$strip = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ;
$content = '' ;
$style = 'font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size : 13px; color:#474747;padding:6px;border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc;' ;
$tr = array() ; // html table
$csvValues = array();
$cols = array();
$replace = array();
$RecordID = phpfmg_getRecordID();
$isWritable = is_writable( dirname(PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR) );
foreach( $form_mail as $field ){
$field_type = strtolower($field[ "type" ]);
if( 'sectionbreak' == $field_type ){
$field[ "text" ] = stripslashes( $field[ "text" ] );
//$value = trim( $_POST[ $field[ "name" ] ] );
$value = phpfmg_field_value( $field[ "name" ] );
$value = $strip ? stripslashes($value) : $value ;
if( 'attachment' == $field_type ){
$value = $isWritable ? phpfmg_file2value( $RecordID, $_FILES[ $field[ "name" ] ] ) : $_FILES[ $field[ "name" ] ]['name'];
//$value = $_FILES[ $field[ "name" ] ]['name'];
$content .= $field[ "text" ] . " \t : " . $value .PHPFMG_LNCR;
$tr[] = "<tr> <td valign=top style='{$style};width:33%;border-right:1px solid #cccccc;'>" . $field[ "text" ] . " </td> <td valign=top style='{$style};'>" . nl2br($value) . " </td></tr>" ;
$csvValues[] = csvfield( $value );
$cols[] = csvfield( $field[ "text" ] );
$replace["%".$field[ "name" ]."%"] = $value;
switch( $field_type ){
case "sender's email" :
$from = filterEmail($value) ;
case "sender's name" :
$fromName = filterEmail($value) ;
case "titleofsender" :
$titleOfSender = $value ;
case "senderfirstname" :
$firstName = filterEmail($value) ;
case "senderlastname" :
$lastName = filterEmail($value) ;
default :
// nothing
}; // for
$isHtml = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE ;
if( $isHtml ) {
$content = "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 >" . PHPFMG_LNCR . join( PHPFMG_LNCR, $tr ) . PHPFMG_LNCR . "</table>" ;
if( !empty($firstName) && !empty($lastName) ){
$fromName = $firstName . ' ' . $lastName;
$fromHeader = filterEmail( ('' != $fromName ? "\"$fromName\"" : '' ) . " <{$from}>",array(",", ";")) ; // no multiple emails are allowed.
$_fields = array(
'%NameOfSender%' => $fromName,
'%FirstNameOfSender%' => $firstName,
'%LastNameOfSender%' => $lastName,
'%EmailOfSender%' => $from,
'%TitleOfSender%' => $titleOfSender,
'%DataOfForm%' => $content,
'%Date%' => date("Y-m-d"),
'%Time%' => date("H:i:s"),
'%FormPageLink%' => phpfmg_request_uri(),
'%AutoID%' => $RecordID,
'%FormAdminURL%' => phpfmg_admin_url()
$fields = array_merge( $_fields, $replace );
$esh_mail_template = trim(phpfmg_mail_template());
if( !empty($esh_mail_template) ){
$esh_mail_template = phpfmg_adjust_template($esh_mail_template);
$content = phpfmg_parse_mail_body( $esh_mail_template, $fields );
$subject = phpfmg_parse_mail_body( $subject, $fields );
if( $isHtml ) {
$content = phpfmg_getHtmlContent( $content );
$oldMask = umask(0);
//$sep = ','; //chr(0x09);
$sep = chr(0x09);
$recordCols = phpfmg_data2record( csvfield('RecordID') . $sep . csvfield('Date') . $sep . csvfield('IP') . $sep . join($sep,$cols) );
$record = phpfmg_data2record( csvfield($RecordID) . $sep . csvfield(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")) . $sep . csvfield($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) .$sep . join($sep,$csvValues) );
Some hosting companies (like Yahoo and GoDaddy) REQUIRED a registered email address to send out all emails!
The mailer HAS to use the REGISTERED email address as the sender's email address. This is called the sendmail_from.
$sendmail_from = $from;
$sender_email = $from;
$force_sender = defined('PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM') && '' != PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM ;
if( $force_sender ){
ini_set("sendmail_from", PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM);
$sendmail_from = PHPFMG_SENDMAIL_FROM;
if( defined('PHPFMG_SMTP') && '' != PHPFMG_SMTP ){
ini_set("SMTP", PHPFMG_SMTP);
switch( strtolower(PHPFMG_ACTION) ){
case 'fileonly' :
appendToFile( $sFileName, $record, $recordCols );
case 'mailonly' :
mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $content, $sendmail_from, $fromName, $fromHeader, $cc , $bcc, PHPFMG_CHARSET ) ;
case 'mailandfile' :
mailAttachments( $to , $subject , $content, $sendmail_from, $fromName, $fromHeader, $cc , $bcc, PHPFMG_CHARSET ) ;
appendToFile( $sFileName, $record, $recordCols );
}; // switch
mailAutoResponse( $sender_email, $force_sender ? $sendmail_from : $to, $fields ) ;
function phpfmg_file2value( $recordID, $file ){
$tmp = $file[ "tmp_name" ] ;
$name = phpfmg_rename_harmful(trim($file[ "name" ])) ;
if( !defined('PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE') ){
return $name;
if( is_uploaded_file( $tmp ) ) {
$size = trim(PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE) ;
switch( $size ){
case '' :
return $name;
$isHtml = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE;
$filelink= base64_encode( serialize(array('recordID'=>$recordID, 'filename'=>$name)) );
$url = phpfmg_admin_url() . "?mod=filman&func=download&filelink=" . urlencode($filelink) ;
$isLarger = (filesize($tmp)/1024) > $size ;
$link = $isHtml ? "<a href='{$url}'>$name</a>" : $name . " ( {$url} )";
return $isLarger ? $link : $name ; // email download link when size is larger defined size, otherwise send as attachment
};// switch
}; // if
return $name;
function phpfmg_dir2unix( $dir ){
return str_replace( array("\\", '//'), '/', $dir );
function phpfmg_request_uri(){
$uri = getEnv('REQUEST_URI'); // apache has this
if( false !== $uri && strlen($uri) > 0 ){
return $uri ;
} else {
$uri = ($uri = getEnv('SCRIPT_NAME')) !== false
? $uri
: getEnv('PATH_INFO') ;
$qs = getEnv('QUERY_STRING'); // IIS and Apache has this
return $uri . ( empty($qs) ? '' : '?' . $qs );
return "" ;
// parse full admin url to view large size uploaded file online
function phpfmg_admin_url(){
$http_host = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}";
switch( true ){
case (0 === strpos(PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL, 'http://' )) :
case ( '/' == substr(PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL,0,1) ) :
$url = $http_host . PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL ;
$uri = phpfmg_request_uri();
$pos = strrpos( $uri, '/' );
$vdir = substr( $uri, 0, $pos );
$url = $http_host . $vdir . '/' . PHPFMG_ADMIN_URL ;
return $url;
function phpfmg_ispost(){
return 'POST' == strtoupper($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) || 'POST' == strtoupper(getEnv('REQUEST_METHOD')) ;
function phpfmg_is_mysite(){
return false !== strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']),''); // accessing form at mysite
// don't allow hotlink form to my website. To avoid people create phishing form.
function phpfmg_hotlinking_mysite(){
$yes = phpfmg_is_mysite()
&& ( empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || false === strpos( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']),'') ) ; // doesn't have referer of mysite
if( $yes ){
die( "<b>Access Denied.</b>
You are visiting a form hotlinkink from <a href=''></a> which is not allowed.
Please read the <a href=''>FAQ</a>.
" );
function phpfmg_check_referers(){
phpfmg_hotlinking_mysite(); // anti phishing
$debugs = array();
$debugs[] = "Your IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$debugs[] = "Referer link: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$debugs[] = "Host of referer: $referer";
if( !$check ) {
$debugs[] = "Referer is empty. No need to check hot linking.";
//echo "<pre>" . join("\n",$debugs) . "</pre>\n";
//appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " \n" . join("\n",$debugs) ) ;
return true;
// maybe post from local file
if( !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && phpfmg_ispost() ){
appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " \n phpfmg_ispost " . join("\n",$debugs) ) ;
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$referer = str_replace( 'www.', '', strtolower($url['host']) );
if( empty($referer) ) {
return true;
$hosts = explode(',',PHPFMG_REFERERS_ALLOW);
$http_host = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$referer = $http_host ;
$hosts[] = str_replace('www.', '', $http_host );
$debugs[] = "Hosts Allow: " . PHPFMG_REFERERS_ALLOW;
$allow = false ;
foreach( $hosts as $host ){
$host = strtolower(trim($host));
$debugs[] = "check host: $host " ;
if( false !== strpos($referer, $host) || false !== strpos($referer, 'www.'.$host) ){
$allow = true;
$debugs[] = " -> allow (quick exit)";
$debugs[] = " -> deny";
//echo "<pre>" . join("\n",$debugs) . "</pre>\n";
//appendToFile( PHPFMG_EMAILS_LOGFILE, date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " \n" . join("\n",$debugs) ) ;
if( !$allow ){
function phpfmg_getRecordID(){
if( !isset($GLOBALS['RecordID']) ){
$GLOBALS['RecordID'] = date("Ymd") . '-'. substr( md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0,4 );
return $GLOBALS['RecordID'];
function phpfmg_data2record( $s, $b=true ){
$from = array( "\r", "\n");
$to = array( "\\r", "\\n" );
return $b ? str_replace( $from, $to, $s ) : str_replace( $to, $from, $s ) ;
function csvfield( $str ){
$str = str_replace( '"', '""', $str );
return '"' . trim($str) . '"';
function mailAttachments( $to = "" , $subject = "" , $message = "" , $from="", $fromName = "" , $fromHeader ="", $cc = "" , $bcc = "", $charset = "UTF-8", $type = 'FormMail' ){
if( ! strlen( trim( $to ) ) ) return "Missing \"To\" Field." ;
$isAutoResponse = $type == 'AutoResponseEmail' ;
// added PHPMailer SMTP support at Mar 12, 2011
$isSMTP = defined('PHPFMG_USE_SMTP') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_USE_SMTP && defined('PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST') && '' != PHPFMG_SMTP_HOST;
// due to security issues, in most case, the smtp will fail on my website. It only works on user's own server
// so just disable the smtp here
if( phpfmg_is_mysite() ){
$isSMTP = false ;
$attachments = array();
$noAutoAttachements = $isAutoResponse && defined('PHPFMG_RETURN_NO_ATTACHMENT') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_RETURN_NO_ATTACHMENT ;
$use_phpmailer = defined('PHPFMG_USE_PHPMAILER') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_USE_PHPMAILER ;
$boundary = "====_My_PHP_Form_Generator_" . md5( uniqid( srand( time() ) ) ) . "====";
$content_type = 'html' == PHPFMG_MAIL_TYPE ? "text/html" : "text/plain" ;
// setup mail header infomation
$headers = 'Y' == PHPFMG_NO_FROM_HEADER ? '' : "From: {$fromHeader}" .PHPFMG_LNCR;
if ($cc) $headers .= "CC: $cc".PHPFMG_LNCR;
if ($bcc) $headers .= "BCC: $bcc".PHPFMG_LNCR;
//$headers .= "Content-type: {$content_type}; charset={$charset}" .PHPFMG_LNCR ;
$plainHeaders = $headers ; // for no attachments header
$plainHeaders .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHPFMG_LNCR;
$plainHeaders .= "Content-type: {$content_type}; charset={$charset}" ;
//create mulitipart attachments boundary
$sError = "" ;
$nFound = 0;
if( false && isset($GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content']) && '' != $GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content'] ){
// use previous encoded content
$sEncodeBody = $GLOBALS['phpfmg_files_content'] ;
$nFound = $GLOBALS['phpfmg_nFound'] ;
$file2link_size = trim(PHPFMG_FILE2LINK_SIZE) ;
$isSave = ('' != $file2link_size || defined('PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS') && 'Y' == PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS);
if( $isSave ){
$ok = @mkdir( PHPFMG_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS_DIR, 0777 );
if( !$ok ) $isSave = false;
je sais pas si c'est bien ici aussi que je doit mettre sa.
Car le code est long
merci beaucoup