Bonsoir à tous,

Je viens vers vous, car je bloque sur une petite chose.
Si une personne pouvait m'expliquer pourquoi une erreur de syntaxe survient dans mon code.
Après avoir essayé de régler le problème, je sature.

Voici mon code :

									if( $cat['type'] == 'n' ) :	?>
										<div class="widget-head"> News Box : <?php if( !empty($cat['id']) ) echo get_the_category_by_ID( $cat['id'] ); ?>
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label><span>Box Category : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]">
												<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $option) { ?>
												<option value="<?php echo $key ?>" <?php if ( $cat['id']  == $key) { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
												<?php } ?>
											<label><span>Posts Order : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][order]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][order]"><option value="latest" <?php if( $cat['order'] == 'latest' || $cat['order']=='' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>Latest Posts</option><option  <?php if( $cat['order'] == 'rand' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="rand">Random Posts</option></select></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]"><span>Number of posts to show :</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" value="<?php  echo $cat['number']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]"><span>Offset - number of post to pass over</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" value="<?php  echo $cat['offset']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
												<span style="float:left;">Box Style : </span>
												<ul class="tie-cats-options tie-options">
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="li" <?php if( $cat['style'] == 'li' || $cat['style']=='' ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/li.png" /></a>
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="2c" <?php if( $cat['style'] == '2c' ) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/2c.png" /></a>
													<li style="margin-right:0 !important;">
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="1c" <?php if( $cat['style'] == '1c') echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/1c.png" /></a>
									if( $cat['type'] == 'n' ) :	?>
										<div class="widget-head"> News Box Movie : <?php if( !empty($cat['id']) ) echo get_the_category_by_ID( $cat['id'] ); ?>
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label><span>Box Category : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]">
												<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $option) { ?>
												<option value="<?php echo $key ?>" <?php if ( $cat['id']  == $key) { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
												<?php } ?>
											<label><span>Posts Order : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][order]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][order]"><option value="latest" <?php if( $cat['order'] == 'latest' || $cat['order']=='' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>>Latest Posts</option><option  <?php if( $cat['order'] == 'rand' ) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> value="rand">Random Posts</option></select></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]"><span>Number of posts to show :</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" value="<?php  echo $cat['number']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]"><span>Offset - number of post to pass over</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" value="<?php  echo $cat['offset']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
												<span style="float:left;">Box Style : </span>
												<ul class="tie-cats-options tie-options">
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="li" <?php if( $cat['style'] == 'li' || $cat['style']=='' ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/li.png" /></a>
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="2c" <?php if( $cat['style'] == '2c' ) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/2c.png" /></a>
													<li style="margin-right:0 !important;">
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="1c" <?php if( $cat['style'] == '1c') echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/1c.png" /></a>
									elseif( $cat['type'] == 'recent' ) :	?>
										<div class="widget-head"> Recent Posts 
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label><span style="float:left;">Exclude This Categories : </span><select multiple="multiple" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][exclude][]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][exclude][]">
												<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $option) { ?>
												<option value="<?php echo $key ?>" <?php if ( @in_array( $key , $cat['exclude'] ) ) { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
												<?php } ?>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]"><span>Box Title :</span><input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" value="<?php  echo $cat['title']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]"><span>Number of posts to show :</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" value="<?php  echo $cat['number']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]"><span>Offset - number of post to pass over</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" value="<?php  echo $cat['offset']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][display]"><span>Display Mode:</span>
												<select id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][display]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][display]">
													<option value="default" <?php if ( $cat['display'] == 'default') { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>>Default Style</option>
													<option value="blog" <?php if ( $cat['display'] == 'blog') { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>>Blog Style</option>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][pagi]"><span>Show Pagination:</span>
												<select id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][pagi]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][pagi]">
													<option value="n" <?php if ( $cat['pagi'] == 'n') { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>>No</option>
													<option value="y" <?php if ( $cat['pagi'] == 'y') { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>>Yes</option>
											<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" value="<?php  if(empty($cat['boxid'])) echo $cat['type'].'_'.rand(200, 3500); else echo $cat['boxid'];  ?>" type="hidden" />
									<?php elseif( $cat['type'] == 's' ) : ?>
										<div class="widget-head scrolling-box"> Scrolling Box : <?php if( !empty($cat['id']) ) echo get_the_category_by_ID( $cat['id'] ); ?>
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label><span>Box Category : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]">
												<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $option) { ?>
												<option value="<?php echo $key ?>" <?php if ( $cat['id']  == $key) { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
												<?php } ?>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]"><span>Box Title :</span><input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" value="<?php  echo $cat['title']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]"><span>Number of posts to show :</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][number]" value="<?php  echo $cat['number']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]"><span>Offset - number of post to pass over</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" value="<?php  echo $cat['offset']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" value="<?php  if(empty($cat['boxid'])) echo $cat['type'].'_'.rand(200, 3500); else echo $cat['boxid'];  ?>" type="hidden" />
									<?php elseif( $cat['type'] == 'ads' ) : ?>
										<div class="widget-head ads-box"> Ads / Custom Content
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<textarea cols="36" rows="5" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][text]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][text]"><?php echo stripslashes($cat['text']) ; ?></textarea>
											<small>Supports <strong>Text, HTML and Shortcodes</strong> .</small>

									<?php elseif( $cat['type'] == 'news-pic' ) : ?>
										<div class="widget-head news-pic-box">  News In Picture
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label><span>Box Category : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]">
												<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $option) { ?>
												<option value="<?php echo $key ?>" <?php if ( $cat['id']  == $key) { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
												<?php } ?>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]"><span>Box Title :</span><input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" value="<?php  echo $cat['title']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]"><span>Offset - number of post to pass over</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" value="<?php  echo $cat['offset']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
												<span style="float:left;">Box Style : </span>
												<ul class="tie-cats-options tie-options">
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="default" <?php if( $cat['style'] == 'default' || $cat['style']=='' ) echo 'checked="checked"'; ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/news-in-pic1.png" /></a>
														<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][style]" type="radio" value="row" <?php if( $cat['style'] == 'row' ) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
														<a class="checkbox-select" href="#"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/panel/images/news-in-pic2.png" /></a>
											<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" value="<?php  if(empty($cat['boxid'])) echo $cat['type'].'_'.rand(200, 3500); else echo $cat['boxid'];  ?>" type="hidden" />
								<?php elseif( $cat['type'] == 'videos' ) : ?>
										<div class="widget-head news-pic-box">Videos
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label><span>Box Category : </span><select name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][id]">
												<?php foreach ($categories as $key => $option) { ?>
												<option value="<?php echo $key ?>" <?php if ( $cat['id']  == $key) { echo ' selected="selected"' ; } ?>><?php echo $option; ?></option>
												<?php } ?>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]"><span>Box Title :</span><input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][title]" value="<?php  echo $cat['title']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]"><span>Offset - number of post to pass over</span><input style="width:50px;" id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][offset]" value="<?php  echo $cat['offset']  ?>" type="text" /></label>
											<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][boxid]" value="<?php  if(empty($cat['boxid'])) echo $cat['type'].'_'.rand(200, 3500); else echo $cat['boxid'];  ?>" type="hidden" />
									<?php elseif( $cat['type'] == 'divider' ) : ?>
										<div class="widget-head news-pic-box">  Divider
											<a class="toggle-open">+</a>
											<a class="toggle-close">-</a>
										<div class="widget-content">
											<label for="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][height]"><span>Height :</span><input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][height]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][height]" value="<?php  echo $cat['height']  ?>" type="text" style="width:50px;" /> px</label>

									<?php endif; ?>
											<input id="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][type]" name="tie_home_cats[<?php echo $i ?>][type]" value="<?php  echo $cat['type']  ?>" type="hidden" />
											<a class="del-cat"></a>
							<?php } 
							} else{?>
							<?php } ?>

L'erreur : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/cinepouv/public_html/wp-content/themes/sahifa/panel/mpanel-ui.php on line 650

Merci à vous.
Modifié par L'asticode (29 Oct 2013 - 00:36)
tu as dû oublier de fermer correctement un "{". Le code que tu proposes ne fais que 150 lignes et de toute façon, on ne pourrait pas trop voir ce que ça donne.