à oui autant pour moi...
galleryWidth = 800;
galleryHeight = 700;
actualWidth = 300; //The actual images' width
//actualHeight = 300; and height (the images which are going to be loaded through the XML file)
Ratio = actualWidth/actualHeight;
//bigImageWidth = 450; The width of the big image (the height is deducted from Ratio)
bigImageY = 95; //The Y positon of the big image
bigImageX = 200;
imageSize = 80; //the size of the images in the carousel
imagesX = 90; //increase or decrese imagesX and imagesY to adjust the carousel position
imagesY = 320;
RadiusX = 280; //images X radius
RadiusY = 350; //images Y radius
focus = 700; //images focus
Yspan = 80; //images span
rotatingSpeed = 10; //recommended value between 1-30
initialRotate = 5; //set it to 0 for no initial image spin; set it negative to spin backwards
showDescription = true;
infoY = 40; //The Y position of the description text
inColor = 20; //images onRollOver color intensity
outColor = -20; //images onRollOut color intensity
coloringSpeed = 8
; //the speed on changing color between onRollOver and onRollOut states
useMirror = true; //set it to true if you want to use images mirror effect
//IMPORTANT! in order to have a proper mirror effect, the inner symbol must have the
//same width and height as the actual images' width and height (the same with actualWidth and actualHeight)
//see ScreenShot.jpg in the package
drawImagesFrames = false; //if you want to have frames for the carousel images
imagesFrameColor = 0x222222; //frame color
imagesFrameThick = 2; //frame thickness
imagesFrameAlpha = 30; //frame alpha
drawBigImageFrames = true; //if you want to have frames for the big image
bigImageFrameColor = 0x999999; //frame color
bigImageFrameThick = 2; //frame thickness
bigImageFrameAlpha = 80; //frame alpha
showFirstImage = true; //whether it shows the first big image or not at the beginning
firstImage = 2; //the number of the first image from the xml file
//don't need to edit the code below
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Transform;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loadListener:Object = new Object();
var mcLoader2:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var loadListener2:Object = new Object();
var images:Array = new Array();
var urls:Array = new Array();
var info:Array = new Array();
var pictures:Array = new Array();
var tg:Array = new Array();
loadXML = function () {
var photos:Array = this.firstChild.childNodes;
total = photos.length ;
for (i=0;i<total;i++) {
images.push((_root.folderPath?_root.folderPath:"") + photos[i].attributes.image);
img = createEmptyMovieClip("img", 2);
img._x = galleryWidth/4;
img._y = bigImageY;
if(showDescription) {
attachMovie("description", "Desc", 3);
Desc._y = infoY;
Desc._x = galleryWidth/2;
createEmptyMovieClip("thumbs", 1);
thumbs._x = imagesX+325;
thumbs._y = imagesY+32-Yspan;
isLoading = true;
iC = inColor + Math.abs(outColor);
if (showFirstImage) loadImage(firstImage);
speed = 0; slow=0; stp = true;
a = 2*Math.PI/total;
for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
thumb = thumbs.createEmptyMovieClip("th"+i, i);
myPic = thumb.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 2);
thumb.attachMovie("preload","pr"+i, 1);
thumb["pr"+i]._x = thumb["pr"+i]._y = imageSize/2;
if (useMirror) {
r = thumb.attachMovie("item","hold", 3);
r.ref.inner._width = r.ref.inner._height = imageSize;
r._y = 2*imageSize;
thumb.angle = a*i;
thumb.show = panel;
thumb.notLoaded = true;
thumb.y = Yspan;
var trans:Transform = new Transform(thumb);
var colorTrans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
colorTrans.blueOffset = colorTrans.greenOffset = colorTrans.redOffset=colorTrans.alphaOffset= outColor;
trans.colorTransform = colorTrans;
thumbs.onEnterFrame = function () {
speed -= initialRotate*0.001;
if ((_ymouse >30) && (_ymouse<galleryHeight-30) && (_xmouse>20+imagesX) && (_xmouse<galleryWidth-20)) {
speed -= this._xmouse*rotatingSpeed*0.00001;
slow = this._xmouse*rotatingSpeed*0.00001;
stp = false;
initialRotate = 0;
if (!stp) {
speed -=slow;
if(slow>0) slow -= 0.0007;
else slow +=0.0007;
if ((slow<0.001)&&(slow>-0.001))
stp = true;
for (var i = 0; i<pictures.length; i++) {
onEnterFrame = function() {
for (i=0; i<photos.length; i++) {
myMc = thumbs["th"+i].holder;
th = thumbs["th"+i];
if ((myMc.getBytesLoaded()/myMc.getBytesTotal() == 1) && (thumbs["th"+i].notLoaded)) {
if (myMc._width>=myMc._height) {
myMc._yscale = myMc._xscale=(100*(1-(myMc._width-imageSize)/(myMc._width)));
myMc._y = (imageSize-myMc._height);
if (myMc._width<=myMc._height) {
myMc._yscale = myMc._xscale=(100*(1-(myMc._height-imageSize)/(myMc._height)));
myMc._x = (imageSize-myMc._width)/2;
if (myMc._width == myMc._height) {
myMc._yscale = myMc._xscale=(100*(1-(myMc._width-imageSize)/(myMc._width)));
myMc._x = myMc._y=0;
thumbs["th"+i].notLoaded = false;
if (drawImagesFrames)
xml.onLoad = loadXML;
xml.load((_root.folderPath?_root.folderPath:"") + "images.xml");
panel = function () {
var angle = this.angle+speed;
var x = Math.cos(angle)*RadiusX;
var z = Math.sin(angle)*RadiusY;
var y = this.y;
var ratio = focus/(focus+z);
this._x = x*ratio;
this._y = y*ratio;
this._xscale =this._yscale;
this._x -= this._xscale/2;
MovieClip.prototype.onClick = function(i) {
this.onPress = function() {
this.onRollOver = function() {
var trans:Transform = new Transform(this.holder);
var colorTrans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
colorTrans.blueOffset = colorTrans.greenOffset = colorTrans.redOffset=colorTrans.alphaOffset=0;
this.holder.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (colorTrans.blueOffset < iC) {
colorTrans.blueOffset = colorTrans.greenOffset = colorTrans.redOffset=colorTrans.alphaOffset+=coloringSpeed;
trans.colorTransform = colorTrans;
this.onRollOut = function() {
var trans:Transform = new Transform(this.holder);
var colorTrans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
colorTrans.blueOffset = colorTrans.greenOffset = colorTrans.redOffset=colorTrans.alphaOffset= iC;
this.holder.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (colorTrans.blueOffset > 0) {
colorTrans.blueOffset = colorTrans.greenOffset = colorTrans.redOffset=colorTrans.alphaOffset -= coloringSpeed;
trans.colorTransform = colorTrans;
MovieClip.prototype.drawFrame = function(w,h,fT,fC,fA) {
this.lineStyle(fT, fC,fA,true,"none","round", "round");
this.lineTo(w, 0);
this.lineTo(w, h);
this.lineTo(0, h);
this.lineTo(0, 0);
loadImage = function(i) {
indd = ind-2;
inddd = ind-3;
inner = img.createEmptyMovieClip("inner"+ind, ind);
innner = inner.createEmptyMovieClip("innner",1);
masc = inner.attachMovie("mask","masc",2);
masc._visible = false;
masc._width = bigImageWidth+20;
masc._height = bigImageWidth/Ratio+20;
masc._y = masc._x -= 10;
loadListener.onLoadInit = function() {
innner._width = bigImageWidth;
innner._height = bigImageWidth/Ratio;
masc._visible = true;
Desc.desc.text = info[i];
inner.drawFrame(inner.innner._width, inner.innner._height,bigImageFrameThick,bigImageFrameColor,bigImageFrameAlpha);
mcLoader.loadClip(images[i], innner);
inner.onRelease = function() {
getURL(urls[i], tg[i]);
//inner2 is for adding the second mask
indd = ind+1;
inner2 = img.createEmptyMovieClip("inner"+indd, indd);
innner2 = inner2.createEmptyMovieClip("innner2",1);
// innner2.loadMovie(images[i]);
masc2 = inner2.attachMovie("mask2","masc2",2);
masc2._width = bigImageWidth+20;
masc2._height = bigImageWidth/Ratio+20;
masc2._y = masc2._x -= 10;
masc2._visible = false;
inner2._alpha = 65;
loadListener2.onLoadInit = function() {
innner2._width = bigImageWidth;
innner2._height = bigImageWidth/Ratio;
masc2._visible = true;
mcLoader2.loadClip(images[i], innner2);