dankw a écrit :
Hi, i know from the earlier comment that this should be french and i apologise, i can't put it in french without it being incorrect. I recently tried to put the Dewplayer-playlist-cover.swf on my webpage (for the moment it has not been uploaded because i am still editing the site). I get an XML error and the playlist is there but none of the songs are on it and it wont even play them. The buttons change colour as they would if it was working but it does not work. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this, as i have been struggling for days!
on my currently local website structure i have placed both the playlist-small.xml and dewplayer-playlist-cover.swf and all my mp3 files in a folder called audioplayer. I have also checked the validation of the XML file which is valid.
Here is my HTML code for the file.
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="audioplayer/dewplayer-playlist-cover.swf" width="429" height="195" id="dewplayer-playlist-cover" name="dewplayer">
<param name="movie" value="audioplayer/dewplayer-playlist-cover.swf" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<param name="flashvars" value="showtime=true&amp;/audioplayer/xml=playlist-small.xml" />
<embed src="audioplayer/dewplayer-playlist-cover.swf" width="429" height="195" wmode="transparent" movie="audioplayer/dewplayer-playlist-cover.swf" playlist="xml=/audioplayer/playlist-small.xml" flashvars="showtime=true&amp;/audioplayer/xml=playlist-small.xml"></embed>
Hi dankw
I dont speak french, but i will tried to help you in english (bad english by the way xD).
the problem is that you wrote wrong the path of your xml file:
this line should be:
i have the same error than you, and i fix that error "XML error" with this little change.
if you can see the list of mp3 after this change but you cant hear the audio.. check inside of your xml file, in the <location></location> tags and add the path of you folder, like this:
i hope this can help you, and help any other person.