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JavaScript, DOM et API Web HTML5


Voici mon problème, J'ai en background de ma page un slideshow responsive mais j'ai aussi un menu sur la gauche, or le background doit pour ne pas être caché par ce menu, être décalé sur la gauche de 250px. Le problème étant que cette contrainte à gauche fait que l'image se retrouve rogné seulement sur la droite lors du changement de taille de fenêtre et moi je souhaiterai qu'elle soit rogné uniformément des 2 coté afin que le contenu de l'image soit toujours centré.

Lien pour voir le site : http://iamyourdesigner.fr/TM/lecamelia.php

Mon code HTML :

<script type="text/javascript">
        //  Initialize Backgound Stretcher	   
			images: ['images/camelia/camelia-8.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-2.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-3.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-4.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-5.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-6.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-7.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-1.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-9.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-10.jpg', 'images/camelia/camelia-11.jpg'],
			imageWidth: 2000, 
			imageHeight: 1300, 
			slideDirection: 'N',
			slideShowSpeed: 1000,
			transitionEffect: 'fade',
			sequenceMode: 'normal',
			buttonPrev: '#prev',
			buttonNext: '#next',
			pagination: '#nav',
			anchoring: 'center center',
			anchoringImg: 'center center'

et mon JS:
	Background Stretcher jQuery Plugin
	© 2011 ajaxBlender.com
	For any questions please visit  www.ajaxblender.com  
	or email us at support@ajaxblender.com
	Version: 2.0.1

	/*  Variables  */
	var container = null;
	var allLIs = '', containerStr = '';
	var element = this;
	var _bgStretcherPause = false;
	var _bgStretcherAction = false;
	var _bgStretcherTm = null;
	var random_line = new Array();
	var random_temp = new Array();
	var r_image = 0;
	var swf_mode = false;
	var img_options = new Array();
	$.fn.bgStretcher = function(settings){
		if ($('.bgstretcher-page').length || $('.bgstretcher-area').length) {
			if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) console.log('More than one bgStretcher'); 
			return false;
		settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.bgStretcher.defaults, settings);
		$.fn.bgStretcher.settings = settings;
		function _build(body_content){
			if(!settings.images.length){ return; }

			containerStr = '#' + settings.imageContainer;
			container = $(containerStr);
			allLIs = '#' + settings.imageContainer + ' LI';
			$(allLIs).hide().css({'z-index': 1, overflow: 'hidden'});
			if(!container.length){ return; }
			var stratElement = 0;
			/*  Rebuild images for simpleSlide  */
			if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
				if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
					if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) {
						console.log('Effect \'simpleSlide\' don\'t be to use with mode random.');
						console.log('Mode was automaticly set in normal.');
				$(allLIs).css({'float': 'left', position: 'static'});
				if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'NW' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'NE') {
					$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection = 'N';
				if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'SW' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'SE') {
					$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection = 'S';
				if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'S' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
					settings.sequenceMode = 'back';
					$(allLIs).eq($(allLIs).length - $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex - 1).addClass('bgs-current');
					if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
						l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
						t = 0;
					} else { // S
						t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
						l = 0;
					$(containerStr+' UL').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'});
				} else {
					settings.sequenceMode = 'normal';
					if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex != 0) {
						if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'N') {
							t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
							l = 0;
						} else { // W
							l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
							t = 0;
						$(containerStr+' UL').css({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'});
			if ($(settings.buttonNext).length || $(settings.buttonPrev).length || $(settings.pagination).length){
				if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
					if(typeof(console) !== 'undefined' && console != null) {
						console.log('Don\'t use random mode width prev-button, next-button and pagination.');
				} else {
					/*  Prev and Next Buttons init  */
					if ($(settings.buttonPrev).length){
						$(settings.buttonPrev).addClass('bgStretcherNav bgStretcherNavPrev');
					if ($(settings.buttonNext).length){
						$(settings.buttonNext).addClass('bgStretcherNav bgStretcherNavNext');
					/*  Pagination  */
					if ($(settings.pagination).length) {
			/*  Random mode init  */
			if (settings.sequenceMode == 'random') {
				var i = Math.floor(Math.random()*$(allLIs).length);
				if (settings.transitionEffect != 'simpleSlide') {
					$.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex = i;
				stratElement = i;
			} else {
				if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex > ($(allLIs).length - 1)) $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex = 0;
				stratElement = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex;
				if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
					if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'S' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
						stratElement = $(allLIs).length - 1 - $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.startElementIndex;
			/*  Go slideshow  */
			if(settings.slideShow && $(allLIs).length > 1){
				_bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)', settings.nextSlideDelay);
		function _resize(body_content){
			var winW = 0;
			var winH = 0;
			var contH = 0;
			var contW = 0;
			if ($('BODY').hasClass('bgStretcher-container')) {
				winW = $(window).width();
				winH = $(window).height(); 
				if (($.browser.msie) && (parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) == 6)) {
						$('#'+settings.imageContainer).css('top', $(window).scrollTop());
			} else {
				$('.bgstretcher').css('position', 'absolute').css('top', '0px');
				winW = body_content.width();
				winH = body_content.height(); 
			var imgW = 0, imgH = 0;
			var leftSpace = 0;
			//	Max image size
			if(settings.maxWidth != 'auto'){
				if (winW > settings.maxWidth){
					leftSpace = (winW - settings.maxWidth)/2;
					contW = settings.maxWidth;
				} else contW = winW;
			} else contW = winW;
			if(settings.maxHeight != 'auto'){
				if (winH > settings.maxHeight){
					contH = settings.maxHeight;
				} else contH = winH;
			} else contH = winH;
			//	Update container's size
			//	Non-proportional resize
				imgW = contH;
				imgH = contH;
			} else {
				var initW = settings.imageWidth, initH = settings.imageHeight;
				var ratio = initH / initW;
				imgW = contW;
				imgH = Math.round(contW * ratio);
				if(imgH < contH){
					imgH = contH;
					imgW = Math.round(imgH / ratio);
			// Anchoring
			var mar_left = 250;
			var mar_top = 0;
			var anchor_arr;
			if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoring != 'center top') {
				anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoring).split(' ');
				if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') {
					mar_left = (winW - contW);
				} else {
					if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = Math.round((winW - contW)/1);
				if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') {
					mar_top = (winH - contH);
				} else {
					if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') {
						mar_top = Math.round((winH - contH)/2);
				container.css('marginLeft', mar_left+'px').css('marginTop', mar_top+'px');
			mar_left = 0;
			mar_top = 0;
			if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoringImg != 'left top') {
				anchor_arr = ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.anchoringImg).split(' ');
				if (anchor_arr[0] == 'right') {
					mar_left = (contW - imgW);
				} else {
					if (anchor_arr[0] == 'center') mar_left = Math.round((contW - imgW)/2);
				if (anchor_arr[1] == 'bottom') {
					mar_top = (contH - imgH);
				} else {
					if (anchor_arr[1] == 'center') {
						mar_top = Math.round((contH - imgH)/2);
			img_options['mar_left'] = mar_left;
			img_options['mar_top'] = mar_top;
			//	Apply new size for images
			if (container.find('LI:first').hasClass('swf-mode')) {
				var path_swf = container.find('LI:first').html();
				container.find('LI:first').html('<div id="bgstretcher-flash">&nbsp;</div>');
				var header = new SWFObject('flash/stars.swf', 'flash-obj', contW, contH, '9');
				header.addParam('wmode', 'transparent');
			img_options['imgW'] = imgW;
			img_options['imgH'] = imgH;
				container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').css({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'});
				container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').css({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'});
			} else {
				container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').animate({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'}, 'normal');
				container.children('UL').children('LI.img-loaded').find('IMG').animate({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'}, 'normal');
			if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide') {
				if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'W' || $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection == 'E') {
					container.children('UL').width(container.width() * $(allLIs).length).height(container.height());
					if ( $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) != -1 ){
						l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * container.width()*(-1);
						container.children('UL').css({left: l+'px'});
				} else {
					container.children('UL').height(container.height() * $(allLIs).length).width(container.width());
					if ( $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) != -1 ){
						t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
						container.children('UL').css({top: t+'px'});
		function _genHtml(body_content){
			var code = '';
			var cur_bgstretcher;

				$(this).wrapInner('<div class="bgstretcher-page" />').wrapInner('<div class="bgstretcher-area" />');
				code = '<div id="' + settings.imageContainer + '" class="bgstretcher"><ul>';
				// if swf
				if (settings.images.length) {
					var ext = settings.images[0].split('.');
					ext = ext[ext.length-1];
					if (ext != 'swf') {
						var ind = 0;
						for(i = 0; i < settings.images.length; i++){
							if (settings.transitionEffect == 'simpleSlide' && settings.sequenceMode == 'back') 
								ind = settings.images.length-1-i;
									else ind = i;
							if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.preloadImg) {
									code += '<li><span class="image-path">' + settings.images[ind] + '</span></li>';
								} else {
									code += '<li class="img-loaded"><img src="' + settings.images[ind] + '" alt="" /></li>';
					} else {
						code += '<li class="swf-mode">' + settings.images[0] + '</li>';	
				code += '</ul></div>';
				cur_bgstretcher = $(this).children('.bgstretcher-area');
				cur_bgstretcher.css({position: 'relative'});
				cur_bgstretcher.children('.bgstretcher-page').css({'position': 'relative', 'z-index': 3});

		/*  Start bgStretcher  */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.loadImg = function(obj){
		if (obj.hasClass('img-loaded')) return true;
			var imgsrc = $(this).html();
			var imgalt = '';
			var parent = $(this).parent();
			var img = new Image();
			$(img).load(function () {
			}).error(function () {
			}).attr('src', imgsrc).attr('alt', imgalt);
			$(img).css({'marginLeft': img_options["mar_left"]+'px', 'marginTop': img_options["mar_top"]+'px'});
			$(img).css({'width': img_options["imgW"]+'px', 'height': img_options["imgH"]+'px'});
		return true;
	$.fn.bgStretcher.play = function(){
       _bgStretcherPause = false;
       $.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode, -1);
	$.fn.bgStretcher._clearTimeout = function(){
       if(_bgStretcherTm != null){
           _bgStretcherTm = null;
	$.fn.bgStretcher.pause = function(){
	   _bgStretcherPause = true;
	$.fn.bgStretcher.sliderDestroy = function(){
		var cont = $('.bgstretcher-page').html();
		_bgStretcherPause = false;
	/*  Slideshow  */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow = function(sequence_mode, index_next){	
		_bgStretcherAction = true;
		if ($(allLIs).length < 2) return true;
		var current = $(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current');
		var next;
        $(current).stop(true, true);
		if (index_next == -1) {
			switch (sequence_mode){
				case 'back':
					next = current.prev();
					if(!next.length){ next = $(containerStr + ' LI:last'); 	}
				case 'random':
					if (r_image == $(containerStr + ' LI').length) {
						$.fn.bgStretcher.buildRandom(random_line[$(containerStr + ' LI').length-1]);
						r_image = 0;
					next = $(containerStr + ' LI').eq(random_line[r_image]);
					next = current.next();
					if(!next.length){ next = $(containerStr + ' LI:first'); }	
		} else {
			next = $(containerStr + ' LI').eq(index_next);
		$(containerStr + ' LI').removeClass('bgs-current');
		switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.transitionEffect){
			case 'fade':
				$.fn.bgStretcher.effectFade(current, next);
			case 'simpleSlide':
			case 'superSlide':
				$.fn.bgStretcher.superSlide(current, next, sequence_mode);
			default : 
				$.fn.bgStretcher.effectNone(current, next);
		if ($($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('LI').length) {
			$($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('LI').eq($(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current'))).addClass('showPage');
		// callback
		if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.callbackfunction) {
			if(typeof $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.callbackfunction == 'function')
		  _bgStretcherTm = setTimeout('jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(\''+jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode+'\', -1)', jQuery.fn.bgStretcher.settings.nextSlideDelay);
	/*  Others effects  */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.effectNone = function(current, next){
		_bgStretcherAction = false;
	$.fn.bgStretcher.effectFade = function(current, next){
		next.fadeIn( $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed );
		current.fadeOut( $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
			_bgStretcherAction = false;
		} );
	$.fn.bgStretcher.simpleSlide = function(){
		var t, l;
		switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection) {
			case 'N':
			case 'S':
				t = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
				l = 0;
				l = $(containerStr + ' LI').index($(containerStr + ' LI.bgs-current')) * $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
				t = 0;
		$(containerStr+' UL').animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
			_bgStretcherAction = false;
	$.fn.bgStretcher.superSlide = function(current, next, sequence_mode){
		var t, l;
		switch ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideDirection) {
			case 'S':
				t = $(containerStr).height();
				l = 0;
			case 'E':
				t = 0;
				l = $(containerStr).width();
			case 'W':
				t = 0;
				l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
			case 'NW':
				t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
				l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
			case 'NE':
				t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
				l = $(containerStr).width();
			case 'SW':
				t = $(containerStr).height();
				l = $(containerStr).width()*(-1);
			case 'SE':
				t = $(containerStr).height();
				l = $(containerStr).width();
				t = $(containerStr).height()*(-1);
				l = 0;

		if (sequence_mode == 'back') {
				next.css({'z-index': 2, top: t+'px', left: l+'px'});
				next.animate({left: '0px', top: '0px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
						$(this).css({'z-index': 1});
						_bgStretcherAction = false;
			} else {
					current.css('z-index', 2);
					current.animate({left: l+'px', top: t+'px'}, $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.slideShowSpeed, function(){
						$(this).hide().css({'z-index': 1, top: '0px', left: '0px'});
						_bgStretcherAction = false;
	/*  Build line random images  */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.buildRandom = function(el_not){
		var l = $(allLIs).length;
		var i, j, rt;
		for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
			random_line[i] = i;
			random_temp[i] = Math.random()*l;
		for (i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
			for (j = 0; j < (l-i-1); j++) {
				if (random_temp[j] > random_temp[j+1]) {
					rt = random_temp[j];
					random_temp[j] = random_temp[j+1];
					random_temp[j+1] = rt;
					rt = random_line[j];
					random_line[j] = random_line[j+1];
					random_line[j+1] = rt;
		if (random_line[0] == el_not) {
			rt = random_line[0];
			random_line[0] = random_line[l-1];
			random_line[l-1] = rt;
	/*  Prev and Next buttons */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.buttonSlide = function(button_point){
		if (_bgStretcherAction || ($(allLIs).length < 2)) return false;
		var mode = '';
		if (button_point == 'prev') {
			mode = 'back';
			if ($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode == 'back')  mode = 'normal';
		} else {
			mode = $.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode;
		$(allLIs).stop(true, true);
		$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow(mode, -1);
		return false;
	/*  Pagination  */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.pagination = function(){
		var l = $(allLIs).length;
		var output = ''; var i = 0;
		if (l > 0) {
			output += '<ul>';
				for (i = 0; i < l; i++){
					output += '<li><a href="javascript:;">'+(i+1)+'</a></li>';
			output += '</ul>';
				if ($(this).parent().hasClass('showPage')) return false;
				$(allLIs).stop(true, true);
				$.fn.bgStretcher.slideShow($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.sequenceMode, $($.fn.bgStretcher.settings.pagination).find('A').index($(this)));
				return false;
		return false;
	/*  Default Settings  */
	$.fn.bgStretcher.defaults = {
		imageContainer:             'bgstretcher',
		resizeProportionally:       true,
		resizeAnimate:              false,
		images:                     [],
		imageWidth:                 2000,
		imageHeight:                1300,
		maxWidth:					'auto',
		maxHeight:					'auto',
		nextSlideDelay:             6000,
		slideShowSpeed:             'normal',
		slideShow:                  true,
		transitionEffect:			'fade', // none, fade, simpleSlide, superSlide
		slideDirection:				'N', // N, S, W, E, (if superSlide - NW, NE, SW, SE)
		sequenceMode:				'normal', // back, random
		buttonPrev:					'',
		buttonNext:					'',
		pagination: 				'',
		anchoring: 					'center', // right bottom center
		anchoringImg: 				'center', // right bottom center
		preloadImg:					true,
		startElementIndex:			0,
		callbackfunction:			null
	$.fn.bgStretcher.settings = {};