11486 sujets

JavaScript, DOM et API Web HTML5

je cherche à transformer le pluging suivant: "Djuve" (Système de présentation d'images avec vignettes)

voici un exemple de ce pluging:
ex (site en construction): http://www.treesign.eu/evenementiel/spectacles/

Mon souhait: que les photos s'affichent en full background,
quelqu'un sait-il quelles sont les modifications à faire pour y arriver ?

J'utilise deux fichiers ".js" pour d'autres pluging, peut-être qu'ils pourront être utile.

jquery.supersized.2.0.js (code plus bas)
full_background.js (code plus bas)

! / Merci pour votre aide et vos réponses. \ !

voici le pluging Djuve:

<?php if (!defined('SITE')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

* Djuve
* Exhibition format
* @version 0.1 (experimental copy&paste)
* @author Kjetil Djuve (http://www.kjetildjuve.com/)
* @based on/mix of: Vaska's Iwakami/Backgrounded/Deux Column Exhibition formats (http://indexhibit.org/)

// defaults from the general libary - be sure these are installed
$exhibit['dyn_css'] = dynamicCSS();
$exhibit['dyn_js'] = dynamicJS();
$exhibit['exhibit'] = createExhibit();

function dynamicJS()
	return "function show_image(id)
		$('#p' + id).fadeIn();
		return false;

function createExhibit()
	$OBJ =& get_instance();
	global $rs;
	$pages = $OBJ->db->fetchArray("SELECT * 
		FROM ".PX."media, ".PX."objects_prefs 
		WHERE media_ref_id = '$rs[id]' 
		AND obj_ref_type = 'exhibit' 
		AND obj_ref_type = media_obj_type 
		ORDER BY media_order ASC, media_id ASC");
				// content text

	if (!$pages) return $s;
	$i = 1; $a = ''; $b = '';
	$total = count($pages);
	// people will probably want to customize this up
	foreach ($pages as $go)
	    $title 		= ($go['media_title'] == '') ? '' : $go['media_title'] . '&nbsp;';
	    $caption 	= ($go['media_caption'] == '') ? '&nbsp;' : $go['media_caption'];
		$png		= ($go['media_mime'] == 'png') ? " class='png'" : '';
		$a .= "\n<a href='#' onclick=\"show_image($i);return false;\"><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/sys-$go[media_file]' alt='$caption' title='$title' id='img$i'$png /></a>\n";

		$x = getimagesize(DIRNAME . GIMGS . '/' . $go['media_file']);
		$off = ($i == 1) ? "style='display: block;'" :  "style='display: none;'";
		$next = ($i == $total) ? 1 : $i+1; 
		$b .= "\n<div id='p$i' class='pic' $off><a href='#' onclick=\"show_image($next); return false;\"><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' width='" . $x[0] . "' height='" . $x[1] . "' class='img-bot' /></a><p><div id='legende'><h11><div id='legendetitle'>{$title}</div></h11><h12><div id='legendetexte'>{$caption}</div></h12></p></div></div>\n";

			// image
	$s .= "<div id='d-image'>\n";
	$s .= $b;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	$s .= "</div>\n\n";

			// thumbs
	$s .= "<div id='img-container'>\n";
	$s .= "<div id='d-thumbs'>\n";
	$s .= $a;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	$s .= "<div  id='text'>";
	$s .= $txt;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	// exhibition text make sure process html switch is off - use .css to define 'info' and 'info' class
	$s .= "<div  id='info'; class='info'>".$rs['content'] ;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	$s .= "<div class='clear-both'><!-- --></div>\n\n";

	return $s;

function dynamicCSS()
    return "#d-image img {border: 0px solid #f2f2f2; margin: 9px 0px 0px 0px; }
    #d-thumbs { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;}
    #d-thumbs img {padding: 0; border: none; height: 35px; width: 35px; }
    #d-image { };
	#text { margin-left: 1em; float: right; width: 200px; }";
	#info {width: 800; border: none;}


voici le pluging: full_background.js

* Full Size Backgrounded
* @version 1.0
* @author Vaska 
function bg_img_resize() 
    var w = $(window).width();
    var h = $(window).height();
    var iw = $('#the-background img').attr('width');
    var ih = $('#the-background img').attr('height');
    var rw = iw / ih;
    var rh = ih / iw;
    var sc = h * rw;
    if (sc >= w) {
        nh = h;
        nw = sc;
    } else {
        sc = w * rh;
        nh = sc;
        nw = w;

    $('#the-background img').css({height: nh, width: nw});

$(document).ready(function(){ bg_img_resize(); });
$(window).resize(function(){ bg_img_resize(); });

    $('#the-background').css({ 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0 }); 
    $('#the-background').css({ 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0 }); 

voici le pluging: jquery.supersized.2.0.js

Supersized - Fullscreen Slideshow jQuery Plugin
By Sam Dunn (www.buildinternet.com //  www.onemightyroar.com)
Version: supersized.2.0.js // Relase Date: 5/7/09
Website:  www.buildinternet.com
Thanks to Aen for preloading, fade effect, & vertical centering


	//Resize image on ready or resize
	$.fn.supersized = function() {
		$.inAnimation = false;
		$.paused = false;
		var options = $.extend($.fn.supersized.defaults, $.fn.supersized.options);
		$(window).bind("load", function(){
			if ($('#slideshow .activeslide').length == 0) $('#supersize a:first').addClass('activeslide');
			if (options.slide_captions == 1) $('#slidecaption').html($('#supersize .activeslide').find('img').attr('title'));
			if (options.navigation == 0) $('#navigation').hide();
			if (options.slideshow == 1){
				if (options.slide_counter == 1){ //Initiate slide counter if active
					$('#slidecounter .slidenumber').html(1);
	    			$('#slidecounter .totalslides').html($("#supersize > *").size());
				slideshow_interval = setInterval("nextslide()", options.slide_interval);
				if (options.navigation == 1){ //Skip if no navigation
					$('#navigation a').click(function(){  
   						return false;  
					//Slide Navigation
				    $('#nextslide').click(function() {
				    	if($.paused) return false; if($.inAnimation) return false;
					    slideshow_interval = setInterval(nextslide, options.slide_interval);
					    return false;
				    $('#prevslide').click(function() {
				    	if($.paused) return false; if($.inAnimation) return false;
				        slideshow_interval = setInterval(nextslide, options.slide_interval);
				        return false;
					$('#nextslide img').hover(function() {
						if($.paused == true) return false;
					   	$(this).attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/forward.png");
					}, function(){
						if($.paused == true) return false;
					    $(this).attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/forward_dull.png");
					$('#prevslide img').hover(function() {
						if($.paused == true) return false; 
					    $(this).attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/back.png");
					}, function(){
						if($.paused == true) return false;
					    $(this).attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/back_dull.png");
				    //Play/Pause Button
				    $('#pauseplay').click(function() {
				    	if($.inAnimation) return false;
				    	var src = ($(this).find('img').attr("src") === "/ndxz-studio/site/img/play.png") ? "/ndxz-studio/site/img/pause.png" : "images/play.png";
      					if (src == "images/pause.png"){
      						$(this).find('img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/play.png");
      						$.paused = false;
					        slideshow_interval = setInterval(nextslide, options.slide_interval);  
				        	$(this).find('img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/pause.png");
				        	$.paused = true;
      					$(this).find('img').attr("src", src);
					    return false;
				    $('#pauseplay').mouseover(function() {
				    	var imagecheck = ($(this).find('img').attr("src") === "/ndxz-studio/site/img/play_dull.png");
				    	if (imagecheck){
      						$(this).find('img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/play.png"); 
				        	$(this).find('img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/pause.png");
				    $('#pauseplay').mouseout(function() {
				    	var imagecheck = ($(this).find('img').attr("src") === "/ndxz-studio/site/img/play.png");
				    	if (imagecheck){
      						$(this).find('img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/play_dull.png"); 
				        	$(this).find('img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/pause_dull.png");
				        return false;
		$(document).ready(function() {
		//Pause when hover on image
		$('#supersize > *').hover(function() {
	   		if (options.slideshow == 1 && options.pause_hover == 1){
	   			if(!($.paused) && options.navigation == 1){
	   				$('#pauseplay > img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/pause.png"); 
	   		original_title = $(this).find('img').attr("title");
	   		if($.inAnimation) return false; else $(this).find('img').attr("title","");
	   	}, function() {
			if (options.slideshow == 1 && options.pause_hover == 1){
				if(!($.paused) && options.navigation == 1){
					$('#pauseplay > img').attr("src", "/ndxz-studio/site/img/pause_dull.png");
					slideshow_interval = setInterval(nextslide, options.slide_interval);
			$(this).find('img').attr("title", original_title);	
		$(window).bind("resize", function(){
	//Adjust image size
	$.fn.resizenow = function() {
		var options = $.extend($.fn.supersized.defaults, $.fn.supersized.options);
	  	return this.each(function() {
			//Define image ratio
			var ratio = options.startheight/options.startwidth;
			//Gather browser and current image size
			var imagewidth = $(this).width();
			var imageheight = $(this).height();
			var browserwidth = $(window).width();
			var browserheight = $(window).height();
			var offset;

			//Resize image to proper ratio
			if ((browserheight/browserwidth) > ratio){
			    $(this).width(browserheight / ratio);
			    $(this).children().width(browserheight / ratio);
			} else {
			    $(this).height(browserwidth * ratio);
			    $(this).children().height(browserwidth * ratio);
			if (options.vertical_center == 1){
				$(this).children().css('left', (browserwidth - $(this).width())/2);
				$(this).children().css('top', (browserheight - $(this).height())/2);
			return false;
	$.fn.supersized.defaults = { 
			startwidth: 4,  
			startheight: 3,
			vertical_center: 1,
			slideshow: 1,
			transition: 1, //0-None, 1-Fade, 2-slide top, 3-slide right, 4-slide bottom, 5-slide left
			pause_hover: 0,
			slide_counter: 1,
			slide_captions: 1,
			slide_interval: 5000

	//Slideshow Next Slide
	function nextslide() {
		if($.inAnimation) return false;
		else $.inAnimation = true;
	    var options = $.extend($.fn.supersized.defaults, $.fn.supersized.options);
	    var currentslide = $('#supersize .activeslide');
	    if ( currentslide.length == 0 ) currentslide = $('#supersize a:last');
	    var nextslide =  currentslide.next().length ? currentslide.next() : $('#supersize a:first');
	    var prevslide =  nextslide.prev().length ? nextslide.prev() : $('#supersize a:last');
		//Display slide counter
		if (options.slide_counter == 1){
			var slidecount = $('#slidecounter .slidenumber').html();
			currentslide.next().length ? slidecount++ : slidecount = 1;
		    $('#slidecounter .slidenumber').html(slidecount);
		//Captions require img in <a>
	    if (options.slide_captions == 1) $('#slidecaption').html($(nextslide).find('img').attr('title'));
	    	if (options.transition == 0){
	    		nextslide.show(); $.inAnimation = false;
	    	if (options.transition == 1){
	    		nextslide.fadeIn(200, function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 2){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "up" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 3){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 4){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "down" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 5){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "left" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    $('#supersize').resizenow();//Fix for resize mid-transition
	//Slideshow Previous Slide
	function prevslide() {
		if($.inAnimation) return false;
		else $.inAnimation = true;
	    var options = $.extend($.fn.supersized.defaults, $.fn.supersized.options);
	    var currentslide = $('#supersize .activeslide');
	    if ( currentslide.length == 0 ) currentslide = $('#supersize a:first');
	    var nextslide =  currentslide.prev().length ? currentslide.prev() : $('#supersize a:last');
	    var prevslide =  nextslide.next().length ? nextslide.next() : $('#supersize a:first');
		//Display slide counter
		if (options.slide_counter == 1){
			var slidecount = $('#slidecounter .slidenumber').html();
			currentslide.prev().length ? slidecount-- : slidecount = $("#supersize > *").size();
		    $('#slidecounter .slidenumber').html(slidecount);
		//Captions require img in <a>
	    if (options.slide_captions == 1) $('#slidecaption').html($(nextslide).find('img').attr('title'));
	    	if (options.transition == 0){
	    		nextslide.show(); $.inAnimation = false;
	    	if (options.transition == 1){
	    		nextslide.fadeIn(450, function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 2){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "down" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 3){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "left" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 4){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "up" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	if (options.transition == 5){
	    		nextslide.show("slide", { direction: "right" }, 'slow', function(){$.inAnimation = false;});
	    	$('#supersize').resizenow();//Fix for resize mid-transition

Bonne soirée
ah... c'est mieux avec le code : )
voici le pluging Djuve:

* Djuve
* Exhibition format
* @version 0.1 (experimental copy&paste)
* @author Kjetil Djuve (http://www.kjetildjuve.com/)
* @based on/mix of: Vaska's Iwakami/Backgrounded/Deux Column Exhibition formats (http://indexhibit.org/)

// defaults from the general libary - be sure these are installed
$exhibit['dyn_css'] = dynamicCSS();
$exhibit['dyn_js'] = dynamicJS();
$exhibit['exhibit'] = createExhibit();

function dynamicJS()
	return "function show_image(id)
		$('#p' + id).fadeIn();
		return false;

function createExhibit()
	$OBJ =& get_instance();
	global $rs;
	$pages = $OBJ->db->fetchArray("SELECT * 
		FROM ".PX."media, ".PX."objects_prefs 
		WHERE media_ref_id = '$rs[id]' 
		AND obj_ref_type = 'exhibit' 
		AND obj_ref_type = media_obj_type 
		ORDER BY media_order ASC, media_id ASC");
				// content text

	if (!$pages) return $s;
	$i = 1; $a = ''; $b = '';
	$total = count($pages);
	// people will probably want to customize this up
	foreach ($pages as $go)
	    $title 		= ($go['media_title'] == '') ? '' : $go['media_title'] . '&nbsp;';
	    $caption 	= ($go['media_caption'] == '') ? '&nbsp;' : $go['media_caption'];
		$png		= ($go['media_mime'] == 'png') ? " class='png'" : '';
		$a .= "\n<a href='#' onclick=\"show_image($i);return false;\"><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/sys-$go[media_file]' alt='$caption' title='$title' id='img$i'$png /></a>\n";

		$x = getimagesize(DIRNAME . GIMGS . '/' . $go['media_file']);
		$off = ($i == 1) ? "style='display: block;'" :  "style='display: none;'";
		$next = ($i == $total) ? 1 : $i+1; 
		$b .= "\n<div id='p$i' class='pic' $off><a href='#' onclick=\"show_image($next); return false;\"><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' width='" . $x[0] . "' height='" . $x[1] . "' class='img-bot' /></a><p><div id='legende'><h11><div id='legendetitle'>{$title}</div></h11><h12><div id='legendetexte'>{$caption}</div></h12></p></div></div>\n";

			// image
	$s .= "<div id='d-image'>\n";
	$s .= $b;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	$s .= "</div>\n\n";

			// thumbs
	$s .= "<div id='img-container'>\n";
	$s .= "<div id='d-thumbs'>\n";
	$s .= $a;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	$s .= "<div  id='text'>";
	$s .= $txt;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	// exhibition text make sure process html switch is off - use .css to define 'info' and 'info' class
	$s .= "<div  id='info'; class='info'>".$rs['content'] ;
	$s .= "</div>\n";
	$s .= "<div class='clear-both'><!-- --></div>\n\n";

	return $s;

function dynamicCSS()
    return "#d-image img {border: 0px solid #f2f2f2; margin: 9px 0px 0px 0px; }
    #d-thumbs { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;}
    #d-thumbs img {padding: 0; border: none; height: 35px; width: 35px; }
    #d-image { };
	#text { margin-left: 1em; float: right; width: 200px; }";
	#info {width: 800; border: none;}


j'ai beau chercher je ne trouve pas comment faire, mes connaissances en php, javascript sont limitées, je serais ravi d'être éclairé par vos lumières.